Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt claims Amnesty “criticizes everyone” – the answer is astonishing – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– Amnesty criticizes everyone, always. But that is Amnesty’s role, the foreign minister told news on Thursday evening. In a recent report on Wednesday, Amnesty criticized Huitfeldt. They based it on the fact that the Labor Party government has been too quiet about the conditions migrant workers have in Qatar. Amnesty pointed out that they had expected more from the Minister for Foreign Affairs. – It is part of the democratic discussion that we have. They highlight what is negative, and then they do not focus on the legislative changes that have gone in the right direction. I don’t think they will ever praise a foreign minister to the skies, Huitfeldt replies to the allegations. CLEAR IN THE SPEECH: Huitfeldt believes the Labor Party government has been actively involved in the debate about the conditions of migrant workers in Qatar Photo: Terje Pdersen / NTB Hevdar she has done more Secretary General of Amnesty International Norway, John Peder Egenæs, stated to news that, among other things, he believes the foreign minister must be very clear in his criticism and pressure on Qatar, in addition to demanding an improved situation for the migrant workers. In May last year, Huitfeldt herself put a written question to then Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide (H), in which she asked what the minister had done to “promote Norwegian views on human rights vis-à-vis Qatar’s governing powers”. Egenæs Huitfeldt believes that statement has not lived up to itself. The foreign minister disagrees with that. – They have done more than the previous government? – Yes, I think so. But then it is a reality that we did not qualify for this championship. But I have nevertheless contacted the NFF (Norwegian Football Association) about what kind of protection Norwegian supporters and queer supporters get in Qatar. But it is clear that there would have been even more Norwegians there if we had qualified, replies Huitfeldt. This summer it became known that Norway had a record high arms export to Qatar in 2021, with arms sold for NOK 924 million. When asked what Huitfeldt thinks about the fact that Norwegian business interests have increased since she became minister, she replies: – There are various reasons for that. No one has introduced sanctions against Qatar, but this means that we must be more vigilant about how workers’ rights are safeguarded. These are matters that we are taking up with the authorities in Qatar. – Does not answer news has shown Egenæs the statements to the foreign minister. He does not perceive it as if Huitfeldt is responding to Amnesty’s challenge to her, and the government, to be more clear and publicly critical of the Qatari authorities’ treatment of migrant workers. – It is possible that she raised these questions in a closed meeting, but it is difficult to find traces of this in public. If the Norwegian authorities are preoccupied with the rights of the migrant workers, and want to prevent the Qatari authorities from washing away their abuses, the criticism from Norway must be seen and heard in public in Norway and abroad. Amnesty’s demands on Qatar In the report, Amnesty highlights ten points that they believe Qatar must improve in order to address the weaknesses in the ongoing labor reform. Abolish forced labour. Protect service workers. Investigate the deaths of workers and at the same time strengthen workers’ protection against working in high heat. Strengthen and expand the scope of the workers’ “welfare standard” Put an end to the kafala system (a system that regulates foreign labor, where all foreign workers must have a “sponsor” – typically an employer. The workers cannot, for example, change jobs without permission from the sponsor). Allow trade unions. Increase the minimum wage and strengthen wage protection. Address recruitment abuse. Strengthen auxiliary mechanisms. Compensating previous abuse of workers. He believes this is something Norway has both the right and duty to do, and is an important part of a state’s human rights work. CRITICAL: John Peder Egenæs is not impressed by Huitfeldt’s answer. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB – If sports washing with the world’s largest and most watched sports event is met with quiet diplomacy, it is the sports washer who wins. Amnesty’s political adviser, Frank Conde Tangberg, is harsher in his criticism of Huitfeldt after hearing her answer. Among other things, he reacted to Huitfeldt’s comment that Amnesty criticizes everyone, always. – I am quite surprised by the argument here. And disappointed that a foreign minister from the Labor Party no longer wants to stand up for working people in Qatar. It is strangely defensive, he wrote on Twitter. – This has been the most engaging public debate in the last 18 months, but it has been a debate that Norwegian politicians have not been very involved in. The last two governments have both been, so to speak, invisible, he elaborates to news. This is how the Minister of Foreign Affairs responds to this criticism: – That is not true. Human rights in general and workers’ rights in particular were among the topics when I spoke with Qatar’s foreign minister on 16 November 2021, and then the then state secretary in the Foreign Ministry, Thune, met Qatar’s deputy foreign minister in Oslo on 17 November 2021. This is also a topic we are raising at the UN. The ILO and the international trade union movement are doing important work to improve the rights of migrant workers. We have also established a good dialogue with the Norwegian Football Association, and I have discussed the association’s involvement in Qatar with president Lise Klaveness.
