Espionage or creating fear and uncertainty – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

PST will look at the cases together, but cannot conclude now who is behind it and to what extent there is a connection. – In order to ensure a comprehensive investigation of these various incidents, the Attorney General has decided that PST will have centralized investigative responsibility when it comes to illegal drone activity on a national basis, says assistant PST chief Hedvig Moe. PST warned in March of an increased intelligence threat from Russia due to the war in Ukraine. There are four known cases where seven Russians have been arrested in connection with photography in Norway in October. See the press conference here. – Then one wonders what the purpose of this drone activity is. And it can be used for espionage or to create fear and uncertainty about, among other things, Norway’s ability to supply gas to Europe. It is important for me to make it clear that we in PST cannot draw conclusions about who is behind it and what they want to achieve, says Moe. Experts point out that Russia is surveying much more than just the military. Sabotage action PST sees a sabotage action as a worst-case scenario, but more realistically that it could happen now. – We believe that it is not something we consider likely today, but it still cannot be ruled out, she says. PST believes that an attack can be carried out physically or digitally and that it will be difficult to reveal who is behind it. Russian intelligence When it comes to intelligence or espionage, critical infrastructure, such as oil and gas, power and telecoms, is extra exposed, according to the PST chief. She says Norway is in a special position as a result of the fact that we share a border with Russia. PST believes that Russia sees Svalbard and the northern areas as very important. – As we see it, Russia has more to gain than to lose by conducting intelligence activities in Norway. Moe says Norway is trying to make it more difficult for Russia to run this business. – We may face a more aggressive use of digital tools. That you break into computer networks and make more aggressive use of human sources, says Moe. On Wednesday it became known that another Russian has been arrested in northern Norway after filming with a drone in Svalbard. The Barents Observer writes that the man is the son of a close Putin ally. Seven arrests in seven days PST has been in close contact with local police in the cases where Russians have been charged with having broken the sanctions rules that prohibit Russians from flying drones in Norway. The ban came into effect shortly after Russia went to war against Ukraine in February. There are now four known cases in which a total of seven Russian citizens have been arrested in Northern Norway from 11 to 17 October. 17 October: Russians arrested in Hammerfest 15 October: Russian man arrested at Tromsø Airport 11 October: Four people from Russia arrested in Mosjøen 11 October: Russian man arrested at Storskog In addition, PST has received many drone tips after they last weekend told people to be vigilant. PST has also told news that there are several cases the police are investigating. – Yes, there are several suspicious incidents without which I want to go into more detail, but there are incidents that the police and PST have received tips about, which we are now investigating in collaboration with the police to find out what is, Hugubakken said in PST. Several airports in Western Norway have also been closed for periods in recent days following possible drone sightings. However, these cases concern flight safety and it is not clear who is behind it. – Of course, it is not acceptable for foreign intelligence to fly drones over Norwegian airports. Russians are not allowed to fly drones in Norway, said Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) on Wednesday, when he addressed the national meeting of the largest LO confederation Fagforbundet. Denies guilt The three cases all originate in different places in northern Norway. The three men and a woman were stopped in a car in Mosjøen. In the car, the police found photographic equipment and extensive photographic material. The Russians themselves do not understand what they must have done wrong. The car was stopped during a check following tips from the public. The defense attorney for the woman who is among the four detained Russians tells news that his client does not know what she has done wrong. – She has taken pictures, but not of any shielded object – not on purpose, anyway. She doesn’t know what it’s about. What she can tell is that they are ordinary tourists, and that she took a picture of the northern lights which was special to her, said lawyer Christian Wulff Hansen to news. The Russian who was stopped at the border crossing at Storskog with two drones last week remains in custody after the Court of Appeal rejected his appeal on Tuesday. Regarding the 51-year-old who was arrested at Tromsø Airport on Friday, the Hålogaland Court of Appeal states that they have not received any appeal after he was detained and wanted to appeal the decision. The police have said that it is an ordinary drone that can be used by private individuals.
