– Do not switch off the ventilation system to save electricity – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– We strongly warn against turning off the system. The consequence can be that you get, for example, witch hazel and extensive moisture damage, says service engineer for Caverion Agder, Kjell Magne Nesland. A ventilation system is a system that delivers fresh, purified air and extracts used air. Nesland says that many people have made contact to ask if there is an alternative to turning off the ventilation to save electricity. This is an example of what a wall with mold can look like. Witch hazel looks like small black dots and is difficult to remove. It forms in air, and settles as a soot-like coating on interior surfaces in the home. – Ventilation systems use little electricity over the course of a year. The consequence of pulling out the plug will be far greater than the cost of having it on, says Kjell-Magne Nesland. It is mainly houses and buildings erected after 2010 that have ventilation systems, according to Nesland. I believe that saving electricity will lead to more insurance cases. The problem with switched off ventilation systems is well known to the insurance companies. – Last year, we had many cases involving rot, mold and damp which were directly linked to people turning off the ventilation system. That’s what communications advisor at Tryg Forsikring, Torbjørn Brandeggen, says. Torbjørn Brandeggen says they have already received several damage reports. Photo: Tryg Brandeggen says they expect that there will be many more damage reports during the year. Several of the damages will probably come as a result of people saving electricity. They are worried about this at the insurance company If. – It is nice to save electricity, but it is important to think about what measures you introduce. Some can be expensive and affect your house, says communications manager Sigmund Clementz. Sigmund Clementz asks people to think through the electricity measures that are introduced. Photo: If He warns in particular against turning off the heat completely in rooms you don’t use. – The water pipes can risk bursting if they freeze. Then you can get a water leak and the damage can cost up to half a million. Clementz believes that there will be a lot of damage to cabins, as a result of energy savings that do not go according to plan. Photo: If Damage insurance – A myth that ventilation uses a lot of electricity On average, the ventilation system uses just under 200 kWh per year per 100 square meters of housing, according to Kjell-Magne Nesland. This means that it costs approx. NOK 600 a year if the kilowatt price is NOK three per hour. – It is a myth that ventilation uses a lot of electricity. Kjell Magne Nesland says it can cost you dearly to turn off the ventilation system. Photo: private He nevertheless emphasizes that the ventilation system uses somewhat more electricity in winter than in summer. – To ensure that the ventilation system runs as reasonably as possible, it is pleasing to let it run in normal operation, says Nesland.
