One-year marking of the Fosen judgment: – Now the government must see the madness in this – news Sápmi

– Area encroachment on our grazing areas creates an uncertain future for children and young people in Sápmi. It has created a lack of confidence in the rule of law, which is supposed to protect the Sámi’s human right to be able to exercise our own culture, said Elle Márgget Nystad in her appeal to those present. She is the newly elected youth leader in the Norwegian Sami National Confederation (NSR), which is the largest party in the Sami Parliament. Nystad and several others have used the day today to direct sharp criticism at the government because they feel that the government does not respect the judgement. In October 2021, the Supreme Court ruled that the development of wind power at Fosen in Trøndelag was in violation of human rights and the Sami’s right to cultural practice. (external link) Reindrifta wants the turbines demolished, but the government will start an investigation to find a solution that avoids demolishing the wind power plants at Fosen. LEGGER PRESS: NSR-N youth leader Elle Márgget Nystad hopes that the government will listen to them. Photo: Mette Ballovara / news Hopes to put pressure on the government Together with Motvind Norge, the Nature Conservancy and Nature and Youth, NSR has held several demonstrations about the Fosen judgment around Norway in recent days. On Tuesday, it was ready for a large commemoration at Eidsvoll plass outside the Storting (external link). Nystad hopes the markings will put pressure on the government. – It is particularly difficult for the young people to see that there are windmills on their pastures, and that they are prevented from carrying out traditional reindeer husbandry, she says. Nystad says that it is hard for the young people both physically and mentally, and that the future for young reindeer herders is uncertain because of the wind power plants. – We believe and hope that the government listens to us, and they should do that, she points out. MARKING IN KARASJOK: Also outside the Sami Parliament in Karasjok, it was marked on Tuesday that it has been one year since the Supreme Court handed down its verdict in the case of wind power development at Fosen in Trøndelag. Photo: Berit Solveig Gaup / news Will still have wind power at Fosen State Secretary in the Ministry of Oil and Energy, Elisabeth Sæther, understands that the reindeer owners are tired of waiting for clarification on what happens after the verdict. DUTY TO INVESTIGATE: State Secretary in the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy Elisabeth Sæther points out that the authorities have a duty to investigate this matter, which they must comply with. She also recalls that the Supreme Court did not say anything about what should happen to the wind turbines. Photo: Lemet Johanas Nystad / news The government has started a process to find out what knowledge is the basis for them to be able to make a decision that fulfills obligations under international law for Norway, Fosen and the reindeer herding Sami. – We are well underway with that work. We sent a program with proposals for a study for consultation both to the reindeer herders at Fosen, and to the Sami Parliament this autumn. They have agreed to consultation, says Sæther. The government is keen to find solutions that will stand the test of time. They also want to find good mitigation measures. – So I will be honest enough to say that it is clear that from the government’s point of view, we have a goal that we will continue to have wind power at Fosen, says Sæther. DROPPED KOFTE: Reindeer Terje Haugen considered meeting outside the Storting with a twisted cardigan, but dropped it. He is almost at a loss for words to describe how shaken he is that the state is still allowing human rights violations to continue a year after the judgment has been handed down in the Supreme Court. Photo: Mette Ballovara / news – We don’t have all the time in the world Terje Haugen is the leader of the northern group in the Fovsen njaarke reindeer herding district. He is upset about the treatment they are now getting after winning in the Supreme Court. To make matters worse, he and his colleagues at Fosen have informed the government that investigations are not leading to anything. The Supreme Court has said that the license that the ministry has given the developer, as well as the permission for expropriation, are invalid. Then the answer from reindeer husbandry is and will be that the wind turbines must be demolished, Haugen points out. And he has a clear message for the government: – They should start cleaning up. They should see the madness in this. and adds: – They don’t have a deadline. They hide behind the fact that offense will come later. It’s just bullshit. The violation started when the wind power plant was built, and we don’t have much time before the nord-Fosen siida or Fosen in general become a thing of the past. – We want the reindeer grazing areas back. That is what we should have, he says firmly. Storting representatives from the parties SV, Rødt, MDG and Venstre support reindeer husbandry’s demands. They also gave stark characteristics of the government’s handling of the case. All this support is warming, says Haugen. – The fight is not over. Never in the world if the fight is over. There they are shamefully wrong. ORGANIZER: Nature and Youth were among the organizations that took part in organizing the Fosen marking. Photo: Mette Ballovara / news
