Flag drama in the new Top Gun film and jacket for Tom Cruise – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The acclaimed Top Gun sequel signed Tom Cruise has made headlines around the world. Now there are new international headlines, in connection with a flag entanglement. In the iconic original 1986 film, Tom Cruise has both the Japanese and Taiwanese flags on the back of his pilot jacket. On the trailer for the sequel “Top Gun: Maverick”, however, the two flags were gone. When the film finally hit theaters, the flags were back. The reason is that the film initially had a major Chinese sponsor, Tencent Holdings Ltd, but withdrew, writes CNN. CNN further writes that the choice to include the Japanese and Taiwanese flags on the jacket, means that there is a great risk that the film will not be shown in China. The Chinese Communist regime is looking at Taiwan, which is part of China, to be reunited with its “mother country.” The Taiwanese flag breaks with this sight. China and Japan, for their part, have strained relations as rivals, with Japan as America’s close ally. Facts about China and Taiwan China and Taiwan have been separated since 1949 when the Communists won the Chinese Civil War and took power on the mainland. The defeated nationalists sought refuge on the island of Taiwan. China is formally called the People’s Republic of China, while Taiwan has the name Republic of China. China continues to insist that Taiwan be annexed to Beijing and has threatened to invade the island if Taiwan formally declares independence. Taiwan has its own flag, its own parliament and its own defense. However, tense relations between China and Taiwan have improved in recent decades. Taiwan has huge investments in China, and China is Taiwan’s largest trading partner. In November 2015, the presidents of the two countries met for the first time since 1949. Taiwan has a population of around 23.5 million people, while China has almost 1.4 billion inhabitants. The United States is considered an informal ally of Taiwan, which has introduced a democratic form of government with elections and a multi-party system. In 1979, the United States recognized that Taiwan is part of “one China”, and that the government in Beijing represents the whole of China. Nevertheless, Taiwan continues to govern itself as its own country. In the election in January 2020, law professor Tsai Ing-wen was re-elected for four new years as the country’s president. She belongs to the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which is critical of Beijing’s doctrine that “there is only one China, and Taiwan is part of China.” Other parties have goals of “reunification with the mother country”. (NTB / news) ICONIC: Tom Cruise in the role of fighter pilot Maverick is a timeless classic. Now it has a sequel. But the film has also triggered big politics. Photo: Paramount Home Entertainment – It is important to stand up to China at a time like this Author and China expert Torbjørn Færøvik says the case is an example of culture and big politics going hand in hand, and that this is bigger than just an action film. – The regime in Beijing wants other countries to dance to their tune, also in cultural life. – We have seen many times in recent years that Hollywood producers are pleased with China, and arrange the films so that they can be shown in the People’s Republic of China. CHINA KNOWLEDGE: Author Torbjørn Færøvik says that it is important that the western world does not give in to Chinese pressure for censorship. He likes that now with the new Top Gun film you do the opposite. The China connoisseur believes it is important that filmmakers do not give in to Chinese pressure. That China censors its 1.4 billion inhabitants may be enough. We see a number of Chinese attempts to censor in other countries. But China has nothing to do with it, it is incredibly important to stand up to China at such a time. He also believes that there is now greater resistance to giving in to facilitate Chinese markets, also in Hollywood. – It seems that there is a tendency for more and more major players in the media world to refuse to participate in the framework that China sets, says Færøvik. Joy and applause in Taiwan Despite the dissatisfaction in China: In Taiwan, there is great excitement that the flag is back on the iconic jacket and the hero. The local media Setn reported that the audience shouted and applauded at the sight of the jacket during the preview. The inclusion of the flag made Taiwanese touched, surprised and happy, writes The Guardian. FILM KNOWLEDGE: Brita Møystad Engseth believes it is money and not high morale that has influenced the flag choices on the Top Gun jacket. Photo: Karen Sveen / news Film expert Brita Møystad Engseth has also taken up the case of flag entanglement. She understands that this has a lot to say for Taiwan, Japan and China. – This has big implications for the countries involved, but I do not know if it means so much to the other countries that show the film. But for Taiwan, it was another important symbolic act. She believes it is obvious that it was the money that decided, in a production that cost almost 2 billion kroner. – Had the money come from the Chinese sponsor. then the flags would not have been there. When the money did not come, the flags are back again, says the film scientist. POPULAR: Perhaps the greatest movie star of our time, Tom Cruise, received massive attention when the new Top Gun movie premiered in London. Now the film is making headlines about things other than spectacular stunts. Photo: HENRY NICHOLLS / Reuters Praise from critics and audiences “Top Gun: Maverick” has been warmly received by both audiences and film critics. During the premiere weekend in the USA, Tom Cruise set a clear record for his films, and the film has also been Norway’s most watched cinema film in recent times. Among the critics here at home, news Filmpolitiet rolled the dice 5, calling it an airy adrenaline rush of the rare. Dagbladet went even further and found the six. And Brita Møystad Engseth believes the film’s quality is undeniable, no matter what flags are on the pilot jacket – Regardless of principles or lack of principles, Top Gun Maverick is one of the absolute best films so far this year. There is no doubt about that.
