No money to start development on the E16 between Bergen and Voss – news Vestland

In 2018, the E16 between Bergen and Voss was voted the worst road in Norway. But a new road is planned, together with a railway, from Arna to Stanghelle. This should both reduce travel time and secure the road prone to landslides, which is the start of the main road between Bergen and Oslo. The state regulatory plan was approved this spring, the development has been fully planned and start-up should be in 2024. But now the government has put the brakes on. In the proposal for the state budget, it is stated that the project, which is called K5 in short form, is one of the large projects of which there is apparently nothing to be gained. “With the government’s budget proposal, there is no possibility that some of these will be started in 2023. There is also no provision for funds for preparatory work. Further progress in the project will be assessed towards the state budget for 2024,” the budget proposal states. POSTPONED: New E16 and new railway between Arna and Stanghelle should make the road safer against landslides, and shorten journey times by train. But now the project is put on hold. Illustration: Red Ant / National Roads Administration – Impossible to answer about start-up Minister for Transport and Communications Jon-Ivar Nygaard (Ap) says that many projects are simply postponed due to a difficult financial situation. – There were several concrete projects that had been announced to start in the next few years. But now they are delayed, says Nygaard. – What time is it appropriate to start up Arna-Stanghelle? – It is impossible to answer. It’s a question of what leeway we want going forward, says Nygaard, who was on the Mannheller-Fodnes ferry in the Sognefjord on Thursday morning. COMMON: You save several billions on building road and track at the same time and the tunnels will have a common escape system. Illustration: The Swedish Road Administration In Harnsk Chairman of the K5 Alliance in Bergen, Roger Harkestad, cannot hide how disappointed he is with the government. – It is completely incomprehensible. The reduced priority from the government may mean that it will take far more than 20 years before the entire section up to Voss can be opened, says Harkestad in a press release. The organization consists of companies in the Bergen region. They think E16 today is both dangerous, outdated, winding and unclear. – The regulatory plan was adopted this spring. Now it was just a matter of giving gas. Instead, we will be placed in the freezer, Harkestad continued. – A betrayal Also in the MDGs they thunder against the government’s downgrading of the project. They call the budget “a betrayal”. – Race safety and the track investment at Voss is our most important issue. It is now paused. It is a completely incomprehensible prioritization, says the county deputy mayor in Vestland, Natalia Golis (MDG). In Bergen, they hope that the Storting’s handling of the budget can save the development. – This is the one project that all of Bergen and Vestland are behind wholeheartedly, and is the only one that needs larger funds next year. This cannot survive parliamentary proceedings, says Transport Council Thor Haakon Bakke (MDG) to BT. SKUFFA: County deputy mayor Natalia Golis (MDG) in Vestland county. Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB Voss mayor: – Unlucky mayor in Voss Herad, Hans Erik Ringkjøb (Ap), is disappointed, even though he was offered an appointment. – I think it is very unfortunate. But this also means that we have to roll up our sleeves and ensure that the project is prioritized when there is scope for action, he says. He will now put in everything to prevent the project moving back to the start. – Now I have a postponement due to an extraordinary economic situation for the country. But it is not acceptable that ten years of work have been wasted, he says. This is how the K5 alternative will be Photo: Statens vegvesen Major shortening of both road and railway, mainly along the current route. Cuts the journey time by car Arna-Voss from 72 to 46 minutes (assumed speed of 90 km/h). The journey time by train Arna-Voss is more than halved from 63 to 24 minutes. Prioritizing eight long, new tunnels for both cars and trains. New four-lane intersection-free road between Arna and Trengereid, and a two-lane road further to Voss. During the day, the road will have central traction, in the tunnels there will be a central lane. New double track for the Bergen Railway on the entire stretch between Bergen and Voss, with six stations: Voss, Bolstad, Dale, Stanghelle, Vaksdal and Arna. The tunnels for trains and cars must be built next to each other, and act as escape routes for each other. The cost between Arna and Stanghelle is NOK 22 billion. This is somewhat less than half the stretch to Voss. Norwegian Public Roads Administration: – Running out of money Director of Development Kjell Inge Davik in Norwegian Public Roads Administration tells news that this means they have to scale back the activity in 2023. They needed 200 million to continue the work. – Beyond the autumn, I have to assess the consequences. A lot of money has been spent to prevent the start of construction in 2024, and now we have no more. We needed these funds to get started, he says. Development director Kjell Inge Davik in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration says they needed 200 million to proceed with planning the project. Photo: Jon Bolstad / news Mayor of Vaksdal municipality, Hege Eide Vik (Sp), refuses to accept that the Arna-Stanghelle project has now been postponed indefinitely. – This is a road safety project that is about a safe road and railway for everyone who travels along the main road between Bergen and Oslo, she says. And add that with each passing day the chance of something happening on the landslide-prone stretch increases. In the coming days, large amounts of rainfall have been reported in Vestland, and there is a great risk of flash floods and landslides. Provoked over funds for Hordfast Group leader for SV at the county council in Vestland, Marthe Hammer, is simply upset. Especially since the Hordfast project has received funds for further planning. – Some projects are more sacred than others. The mantra of tightening to prevent price and wage growth fell on rock bottom, when the most gigantic of all, Hordfast, survived each prioritization round. It is a provocation that Hordfast gets funds, while new road and railway K5 once again gets nothing, she writes. Transport Minister Jon-Ivar Nygaard tells news that Hordfast is not a project that is ready for construction, and that they are therefore allowing money for this. Deputy mayor in Vaksdal municipality, Kjartan Haugsnes (SV), tells BA that this is a resignation from the current government. He is clear that his party must put pressure on the government and secure the start in 2024.
