Risk of air traffic controller strike on Saturday morning – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Mediation started on Thursday and is now taking place between the Air Traffic Control Association and NHO aviation at the Riksmekleren. – Mediation is taking place now, and the deadline is midnight. We have a duty of confidentiality when we are in mediation, so that is the only thing I can say, says Robert Gjønnes to news on Friday morning. He is a leader in the Norwegian Air Force Association. Gjønnes leads the negotiations for the air traffic controllers and attended the first meetings at 10 o’clock on Thursday morning, according to NTB. – If the mediation does not succeed, two air traffic controllers at Vigra and three at Kjevik will go on strike from Saturday at 9 o’clock, then it will be seen what kind of consequences it will have in that case, says Gjønnes. The air traffic controllers have their workplaces in the control towers at the airports. There, they make sure that traffic flows efficiently and that collisions occur in the air or on the ground. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news It has been announced that five members will resign, who will therefore go on strike in the event of a conflict, while a total of 18 have resigned. there is so much more to say before the afternoon. Nor will managing director Torbjørn Lothe of NHO Luftfart make a statement while they are in mediation. – There is not much we can say now, but as always we have a goal of finding a solution, he says. It is the mediators Bjørn Lillebergen and Nils-Henrik Mørch von der Fehr who work together with the parties to try to find a mediation solution.
