Norway has implemented “a number of measures” – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

In this case, you can read about several circumstances surrounding the explosions on the gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea. Has implemented “a number of measures” The Government informed the Storting’s extended foreign affairs and defense committee in a secret emergency meeting on Wednesday afternoon. – The backdrop is very serious with what has happened in the Baltic Sea. We thought it was right and important to inform the Storting, said Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland (Ap) after the meeting. Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp) was also present at the meeting. – We find ourselves in a demanding security policy situation and we must be prepared for many different scenarios to happen. The incident in the Baltic Sea has emphasized the importance of preparedness and national security in that situation, says Mehl. The Minister of Justice adds that it is important to stress that even though this is an event that affects Europe, and that creates a lot of emotions and, in other words, creates a lot of debate, the work on security and preparedness is something that has been going on for a long time. – Part of the purpose of this type of action by a foreign state is to create uncertainty in our society, says Mehl. Want a meeting of the Security Council The Russian authorities say they will request a meeting of the Security Council about the leaks in the Nord Stream pipelines. Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, reports this on Telegram. It is not clear when a meeting of the Security Council can take place. Gas prices sharply up After the explosions on the pipelines, the prices of gas have made a sharp jump. From Tuesday to Wednesday, the price went up by more than 13 per cent, figures from EEX show. This is despite the fact that none of the pipelines were carrying gas when the explosion occurred. Denmark: Half of the gas has leaked More than half of the gas that was in the two Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea has now leaked, according to the Danish Energy Agency. – The status is that far more than half of the gas has leaked out of the pipelines, because the pressure was the greatest at the beginning, stated the Norwegian Energy Agency’s director Kristoffer Böttzauw at a press conference in Copenhagen on Wednesday afternoon. – We expect that the rest of the gas will leak out on Sunday, he added. The gas emission corresponds to one third of Denmark’s total climate impact for one year, according to the Energy Agency. Støre: – No concrete threat Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre says that there are no concrete indications that there are direct threats against Norwegian oil installations. He nevertheless says that the Norwegian Armed Forces should be more present and visible in the areas around Norwegian oil and gas installations. – The events in the Baltic Sea meant that the government yesterday decided to further strengthen preparedness related to land facilities, infrastructure and installations on the Norwegian continental shelf, says Støre. Investigator drones Støre says that part of the background for the increased preparedness is reports of increased drone activity on the Norwegian continental shelf in recent weeks. – These are drones of different sizes and we have seen abnormally high activity of drones on the Norwegian continental shelf recently. Activity has particularly been increasing in September, says Støre. – The case is under investigation by the police in collaboration with several other actors, continues Støre.
