Seven fires set in neighborhoods in Trondheim – several mailboxes burnt down – news Trøndelag

– You probably don’t feel very well about yourself. Something is not quite right. This is something special, says Lasse Solberg. He is one of those affected by all the fires in the area in recent days. On Thursday, he woke up to find that one of the bins had been set on fire and destroyed. – I think it is completely coincidental that it is ours that has been burnt down. I haven’t started feeling anxious yet, but I’ll probably have to talk to the police first, says Solberg. BURNT: The Solberg family’s rubbish bin has been completely burnt down. It is the bucket that contained cardboard and paper that has been set on fire. Photo: Arne Kristian Gansmo / news Destroyed rubbish bins During the last four nights, seven fires have started in the Rosenborg, Singsaker and Tyholt areas in Trondheim. Night to Wednesday: The fire service has to go out to three fires in rubbish bins. Thursday night: Three new fires. Two of them in the same street. Night to Friday: Then someone is discovered trying to light something in the same street that burned twice the night before. Night to Saturday: Three rubbish bins in the same street are lit on fire. In addition, a fence is set on fire using rubbish. The fires in three rubbish bins on the night of Saturday could have quickly ended badly, the police say. A nearby tree was about to catch fire and the fire could easily spread to the surrounding houses. – This fire had a great potential for damage, says operations manager, Arnt Harald Aaslund, at the police. The fire in the fence caused a house to suffer some damage. No one was home there. – A window on a wall has cracked and is soot down. And then there are quite a few black marks on the house, says Aaslund. Three charged for fire As a result of all the fires, the police have followed extra in the area. They have therefore been quickly in place when new fires have been lit. – But we can’t always be on top of everything. But we’re following along!, says Aaslund. Three people have so far been charged in connection with the fires. On Wednesday night, a man in his 40s was charged with damage. In addition, a 15-year-old boy and a young woman under 20 are charged with attempted arson in connection with the arson attempt on the night of Friday. The operations manager says they have someone they also suspect of last night’s fires. – We have someone in our sights, but I can’t elaborate any further, says Aaslund. In Reidulvs gate in Trondheim there have been several fires in recent nights. Photo: Arne Kristian Gansmo / news
