The police urgently call for a press conference – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

In a press conference on Friday morning, the police state that a man is wanted in connection with the shooting. There they inform that a man is wanted in connection with the shooting. The man is staying abroad, according to the police. According to sources at news, the man the police are now looking for is Arfan Bhatti. The police did not want to release the name or picture of the person in question during the press conference. – We do not want to comment on which country it is as of now, said police attorney Børge Enoksen. He says that the man is in his 40s and that he is a Norwegian citizen. The man is charged with complicity in a terrorist act and is known to the police from earlier. – For the sake of the investigation, I cannot say anything more about the details of the case, Enoksen said. Police attorney Børge Enoksen. Photo: Camilla Svennæs ​​Bergland / news Martin Bernsen in PST confirms at the same time to news that PST is assisting the Oslo police district in the case. Has not given an explanation On Monday this week, the Oslo district court decided that the detention of Zaniar Matapour be extended by four new weeks. He was then present in court, but did not testify. This was confirmed by police prosecutor Ingvild Myrvold to news on Monday. Matapour has thus still not allowed himself to be questioned by the police. The 43-year-old is charged with having committed murder and attempted murder with terrorist intent. Matapour is currently being forcibly admitted for judicial observation at the Regional Security Post at Haukeland University Hospital. One of the theories the police are working on is that the shooting was a hate crime aimed at gay people. The incident happened the night before the Pride parade in central Oslo. 244 offended after the shooting The night of 25 June, when Zaniar Matapour fired several shots in Rosenkrantz’ gate in Oslo. It is in connection with this case that the man is wanted. Two people were killed and 21 people were physically injured after the mass shooting. A total of 244 people have the status of aggrieved after the shooting.
