Trondheim will throw the electric cars out of the public transport lanes to make more room for the buses – news Trøndelag

More than 3 out of 10 cars that pass the toll ring in Trondheim are now electric. This proportion increases year by year. But the party wants car traffic to go down – regardless of what the engine is running. – We cannot drive each of our cars to the city. There is no room for that. The vast majority have to take a bus and then the accessibility must be good, says group leader Roar Aas in Ap. That is why the party also supports a proposal that will relax the benefits electric car drivers have today. Group leader Roar Aas (Ap) is quite sure that the proposal will get a majority. Photo: Knut Bløtekjær / news Now the city’s buses and electric cars run seamlessly together. But if Trondheim municipality gets what they want, they must part ways. Literally. – The buses cannot stand in the same queue as the cars. Then getting on the bus is not a competitive advantage, says Aas. Gets support from electric motorists For many years, electric cars have been able to enjoy the advantage of driving in public transport lanes in this country. But as more electric cars become available, the advantages are also removed. Oslo has already introduced restrictions for electric cars in public transport lanes. There it is required that they must have a passenger in the car if the field is to be used during rush hour in the morning and in the afternoon. Now the transport council in Bergen has also proposed to tighten one of the advantages of electric cars there as well. There, they now want to increase toll rates for electric cars from NOK 11 to NOK 22 during rush hour. The money will go to strengthen Bybanen, according to Bergens Tidende. On Thursday evening, a majority of the city council in Trondheim decided to remove electric cars from public transport lanes by 2024. The Electric Vehicle Association also supports the proposal. They say it makes sense for the buses to have the field to themselves when needed. – It is not certain that all public transport lanes have the same challenges, says board chair Eva Solvi of the Electric Vehicle Association in Trøndelag. The chairman of the Electric Vehicle Association in Trøndelag, Eva Solvi, does not think it is necessary to ban electric cars in public transport lanes in Trondheim just yet. She believes that it can be gradually introduced when the needs arise. Photo: Bent Lindsetmo / news – There is a need to look at the use of public transport lanes where there are many buses. The Electric Vehicle Association supports that you look. But there can be other measures than banning it completely, she emphasizes. Will give the buses an advantage Trondheim municipality wants twice as many people to travel by bus from 2019 until 2030. At the same time, they want car traffic to decrease by 20 per cent. The administration believes it is important to give the buses an advantage in traffic. – This is an important move to ensure that public transport is attractive in the future as well. In that case, good accessibility is the most, very important thing, says transport director Kristian Dahlberg Hauge. CLEAR PATH FOR THE BUS: Director of Transport in Trondheim, Kristian Dahlberg-Hauge, will give the buses a clear path in the public transport lanes in the city. Photo: Bent Lindsetmo / news In some places, there are already problems with buses being delayed because they are left in the queue with electric cars during rush hour. At the same time, it is expected that the proportion of electric cars will continue to increase in the coming years. – We see that there are tendencies towards problems today. There is no reason to believe that driving in public transport lanes is compatible with a continued increase in electric cars, while at the same time we want accessibility for the bus to be even better, says Dahlberg-Hauge.
