The Finance Council blames the government for large cuts in Bergen – news Vestland

– It does not look like Trygve Slagsvold Vedum can become our saviour. That’s what Bergen City Councilor Per Arne Larsen (V) said when he presented the minority city council’s proposal for the city budget for 2023 on Wednesday. Together with interest rate jumps, price increases and increased material costs, the municipality expects over half a billion kroner in electricity expenses for next year, a large increase from NOK 115 million this year. Now Larsen blames the government for extensive cuts and shifts of NOK 4 billion in Bergen’s city budget. – If we hadn’t had the increased electricity costs, we would have had more room for maneuver to color this with the priorities of the city council parties. Now our priorities have had to be reflected in what we actually screen, we have to screw and file everything, he says. The city council, which consists of Ap, MDG and Venstre, proposes, among other things: The budget proposal is criticized by the Conservative Party, SV and Red Party for what they refer to as “unsocial cuts”. They refer, among other things, to the postponement of the rehabilitation of the municipal housing in Lotheveien. Finansbyord Larsen says he “gets sick to his stomach” from this cut. – Will protect children and young people The city council says they have prioritized protecting children and young people, and points out, among other things, that they want to make it free for child number three to go to nursery school. In addition, the city council parties will, among other things, support the country’s first user-controlled activity center for drug addicts with over NOK 2.2 million. They will also save five youth clubs from closure and create two new ones for a total of NOK 1.6 million. The seven youth clubs are Knutepunkt Møllaren, Magneten youth club, Elvetun youth club, Ådnahall Young, Krohnborg Young, Youth club at Gimle school and Youth club in Ytrebygda. In addition, the city council wants Bergen to attract more students by offering a trial scheme with a culture card. NOK 2 million has been set aside for this. CHEAP MORE MORE: The city council wants to make it free for children number three in a row and beyond to go to kindergarten. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB Pointing the finger at Vedum Larsen, he says he misses a power sign from the government. – We have not received any signals that the government will compensate the large electricity costs, and we know that they have a challenge because the electricity costs affect the municipalities differently. Bergen is being hit very hard and we don’t know how they are going to handle this, he says. The city council is hoping for NOK 130 million in compensation for high electricity bills when the state budget is presented. – If that doesn’t happen, we have to consider cutting our services. So we hope that this will be fully covered. In that case, the situation in Bergen municipality will lighten up a little later in the autumn, says Larsen. – Vedum is the finance minister, and he will present the national budget. It is the Ministry of Finance that must calculate how on earth they are going to compensate Bergen Municipality for this, says the finance council. news has contacted Finance Minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum for a comment. He has so far not responded to the criticism, but the Ministry of Finance is referring to the Ministry of Local Government and District Affairs. WANTS ANSWERS: Finance Council in Bergen Per Arne Larsen wants a signal from the government about electricity support for 2023. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN
