Nathaniel (12) has not yet met his classmates – Molde municipality demands a break in the strike – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

AGDER COUNTY MUNICIPALITY Arendal high school Sam Eyde high school ARENDAL MUNICIPALITY Arendal adult education Asdal school Birkelund school Eydehavn school Flosta school Flosta school SFO Hisøy school 1-10 schools Moltemyr school Myra school Nedenes school Nesheim school Roligheden school children/youth school Rykene upvekstsenter add school Sandnes school Stinta school primary and secondary school Strømmen upvekstsenter ad school Stuenes school primary and secondary school BERGEN MUNICIPALITY Christi crib schools Eidsvåg school Flaktveit school Haukedalen school Haukås school Hellen school Holen school Hordvik school Kalvatræet school Kirkevoll school Kjøkkelvik school Krohnengen school Kyrkjekrinsen school Li school Mjølkeråen school Møhlenpris upveksttun ad school Nattland upveksttun – school Nordnes school Ny krohnborg school Olsvik school Rolland school Rå school Rådalslien school Salhus school Sandgotna school Skranevatnet school Tertnes school Ulsetskogen school Åstveit school BODØ MUNICIPALITY Alstad elementary school Aspåsen school Bank gata secondary school Bodøsjøen school Grønnåsen school Hunstad primary school Løpsmark school Mørkvedbukta school Mørkvedmarka school Rønvik school Saltstraumen school Saltvern school Skaug education center Tverlandet school Østbyen school BÆRUM COMMUNE Anna Krefting school Bekkestua primary school Bjørnegård school Blommenholm school Bryn og Hammerbakken school Bryn og Hammerbakken school Hammerbakken school Eikeli school Eiksmarka school Emma Hjorth school Evje school Grav school Gullhaug school Haslum school Hauger school Hosle school Hosletoppen school Hundsund junior high school Høvik school Høvik verk school Jar school Jong school Levre school Lommedalen school Lysaker school Løkeberg school Oksenøya school Ringstabekk school Rykkinn school Skui school Snarøya school Stabekk school Storøya school Tanum school Vøynenenga school HAUGESUND MUNICIPALITY Austrheim school Gard school Brakahaug school Hauge school Lillesund school Rossabø school Saltveit school Skåredalen school Solvang school LILLESTRØM MUNICIPALITY Asak school Bingsfoss secondary school Blake r school Brånås school Bråtejordt school Dalen school Frogner school Garderåsen school Gjellerås school Hovinhøgda school Kjeller school Riddersand school Sagdalen school Sten-tærud school Sørum school Vardeåsen school Vigernes school Åsenhangen school MØRE OG ROMSDAL COUNTY MUNICIPALITY Hustadvika secondary school PORSGRUNN MUNICIPALITY Borge school Brattås school Brevik nursery school dept. school Grønli school Heistadskolene ad children Klevstrand school Myrene school Stridsklev school Tveten school Vestsiden school STEINKJER MUNICIPALITY Mære school Steinkjer school TROMS OG FINNMARK COUNTY MUNICIPALITY Ishavsbyen high school TROMSØ MUNICIPALITY Tromstun school TRØNDELAG COUNTY MUNICIPALITY Byåsen high school Charlottenlund high school Heimdal high school Skjetlein high school Strinda high school Thora storm high school Tiller high school Trondheim cathedral school VESTLAND COUNTY MUNICIPALITY Askøy high school Knarvik secondary school Sotra secondary school VIKEN COUNTY MUNICIPALITY Eikeli v upper secondary school Rosenvilde upper secondary school
