Motorists drive on slippery roads to avoid a 40-minute detour. – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

Vestfold and Telemark county council is afraid that a serious accident could happen after they closed county road 450 in Eidsborgkleivene in Tokke municipality. Eidsborgkleivene, which is located between Dalen Hotell and Eidsborg Stavkyrkje, is a nature experience for many. The view is not to be despised either, but now the road is closed because it could slide out. Many motorists do not take this into account. Ståle Singstad, team leader for bridge maintenance in Vestfold and Telemark county council fears that a car will be caught by a possible landslide in Eidsborgkleivene (Archive photo). Photo: Rolf Christian Hatling / news – It is a bit sad that people do not respect the closure, because we have closed the road because we believe there is a certain danger of the wall collapsing. That’s what Ståle Singstad, team leader for bridge maintenance in Vestfold and Telemark county council, says. He says that they have received several messages on social media about people getting past the barriers. – Colleagues at the scene have also asked motorists who have tried to get past to turn around. The county council has no traffic counters on this road, and therefore no exact figures on how many have driven through the roadblocks. The trip usually takes 7 minutes by car. The detour to the right takes 46 minutes.Map Norwegian Road Administration Serious consequences The retaining wall along the road, which winds down the valley, is made of natural stone, and it is very old. Should it break out, the consequences will be serious. – If you drive your car through the hillside there, there is probably little chance that you will survive, to put it bluntly, says Singstad. Normally, it takes seven minutes to drive from Dalen hotell to Eidsborg Stavkyrkje. Statistics from 2021 show that there are approximately 650 vehicles on this stretch of road per day. Now these must spend 46 minutes to get from one place to the other. Ingunn Handagard, press manager at NAF, understands that a nearly 40-minute detour feels long for many, but says that it is very important to take account of ongoing roadworks. – We strongly warn motorists against driving past a roadblock. It can be dangerous both for you and for those who may be out working along the road if you drive past such a barrier. When it comes to such a long detour, Handagard believes it is important that there is a well-signposted detour. She adds that fortunately the vast majority are good at taking account of roadblocks and any reduced speed limits or changes in driving patterns. – It is obviously boring as a motorist to encounter a blocked road, but here it is important to put safety first and not take any chances. NAF press manager Ingunn Handagard shares the county council’s concern that people are defying the roadblocks. Photo: Kjartan Rørslett / news Investigating the cause The county council is now working to find out what is the cause of the building damage. They have examined the ground under the roadway, dug in to the retaining wall and put up railings. Now, among other things, they are waiting for geotechnicians to look at the work that has been done, and assess whether the road is safe. – When can motorists expect the road to open as normal again? – We dare not say anything about that yet. We are still carrying out investigations in addition to looking at how we can go in to repair the wall, says Singstad. Initially, the road is closed until 20 September, but this is an uncertain date according to the county council. When the road can reopen is still uncertain, but the provisional date is set for 20 September. Photo: Freddy S. Fagerheim/VTFK
