Controversial hiking trail at Undheim will be allowed to stand – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

In the village of Undheim on Jæren, they have a 2.6 kilometer long footpath next to a heavily trafficked county road. The long-awaited road was built at record speed, and cost NOK 2.4 million. But the county council believed the road did not meet the current requirements and regulations. They wanted to clear the road. Now they have turned things around. The transport committee has decided that the footpath can remain. – I do this to honor the efforts of the citizens. It is excellent. At the same time, the municipality’s lack of understanding of the process is highly reprehensible. We cannot accept a repetition of such a procedure, says Alexander Rügert-Raustein, group leader of the Green Party (MDG). Alexander Rügert-Raustein in MDG. Photo: Anders Haualand / news According to Raustein, the county council’s yes in this case does not mean that more people can use what has been called the “Undheimsmodellen” or the “Time model”. – The recommendation from the county director was a clear “no”. We are now using our political room for action to the benefit of citizens’ involvement. But please don’t use the Time model in the future. The procedure is against all rules. Come and ask first, then we’ll solve it together, he says. Thinks the rematch was madness Time municipality has always believed that the footpath is a walking path, and not a walking and cycling path. In this way, they have also believed that they could avoid the rules relating to how footpaths and cycle paths should be built. The county municipality has stood its ground. They believe the walkway has destroyed parts of the county road and that it is not safe enough. Time mayor Andreas Vollsund (H) believes it was madness to let the issue of the hiking trail get another round in the transport committee. Now he is happy that the case has ended in the municipality’s favour. – The alternative is for the children to walk on the county road without lights. Now they get light and a walking path. If this isn’t better, I don’t understand anything. I never give up on that. The hiking trail has received a lot of attention in the short year it has been in use. Photo: Hanne Høyland / news Landowner Nils Reime tells the mayor that he sees the road over his buoy being used a lot. Photo: Hanne Høyland / news Time municipality has set aside money to build another hiking trail. Vollsund promises that they will apply for the necessary permits this time. – The Undheims model is here to stay. We have to use more common sense, and stop being rule riders on everything, he says. – The alternative is nothing Group leader for the Conservative Party, Ole Ueland, believes the walkway is better than nothing. But he also thinks Time municipality should have done better preparatory work. Ole Ueland in the Conservative Party. Photo: Pål Berg Mortensen / news – We commend the commitment, but wish the municipality and the landowners had collected the necessary permits first, he says. Seven landowners have released land for the hiking trail. One of them is Nils Reime. – The alternative to this path is nothing. It is a good thing for the village that we have achieved this. I see it being used a lot, he says.
