Liz Truss becomes the new British Prime Minister – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The nickname plays on the hard rock band Thin Lizzy, but “tin” means canned, and there is also a hint that Truss may not be as solid as Britain’s first female prime minister. But now it’s still clear: Liz Truss will be Britain’s new prime minister. It came as no surprise. The opinion polls have been unequivocal since the election campaign began in earnest among Conservative party members. The election of Truss was decided by just over 170,000 members of the Conservative Party. Throughout the summer, Truss and his opponent Rishi Sunak campaigned. The deadline for voting expired before the weekend. Today the result came: 81,326 voted for Truss. While 60,399 wanted the rival. Former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak lost to party colleague Liz Truss in the competition to become party leader of the Conservative Party and thus the new Prime Minister. Photo: SUSANNAH IRELAND / AFP Truss thanked the party for the trust, and thanked his predecessor for his efforts. – You are admired from Carlisle to Kyiv, Truss said of Boris Johnson. And promised to “deliver, deliver and deliver” on the crises the country is in. But in a poll conducted by Yougov a few days ago, only 12 percent say they think she will be a good prime minister. 20 percent think she will be average, while a whopping 52 percent think she will do a bad job. In other words, she has a lot to prove. The Queen’s 15th Prime Minister Men Truss will have to wait until tomorrow for the actual takeover. Then both she and Boris Johnson travel to Scotland and to Balmoral Castle, where Queen Elizabeth traditionally spends the last of the summer. Queen Elizabeth is at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. There, the appointment of a new prime minister will take place on Wednesday. Photo: POOL / Reuters For the first time, the dismissal of the outgoing prime minister and the formal appointment of a new one will take place somewhere other than Buckingham Palace. It is due to the queen’s health. In order for her not to have to make the trip from Scotland to London, the country’s new and old leader will instead make the trip to her. Liz Truss thus meets the monarch she has previously advocated to get rid of, when she was a Liberal Democrat in her student days. Then she, who has then become Queen Elizabeth’s 15th Prime Minister, travels back to London and moves into Downing Street. There she will give a speech tomorrow afternoon, before she forms her government and begins work on solving the country’s major challenges. Aid package within a week First on the list is the cost crisis. In an interview with the BBC yesterday, Liz Truss promised to come up with measures to help the many who are now struggling to pay their bills due to galloping price rises. Truss then sets about cutting taxes. She has said she wants to reverse the rise in corporation tax and the National Insurance levy to stimulate growth in the British economy. During the first month as Prime Minister, she will present her economic policy. Rival Rishi Sunak has called what she has put forward of plans so far “fantasy economy”. Another major task will be to unite the Conservative Party. The election campaign has made it clear that the party is very divided. This is Liz Truss Liz Truss has Margaret Thatcher as her role model. Photo: ANTONIO BRONIC][DANIEL JANIN / AFP 47 years old Minister of Foreign Affairs since 15 September 2021 Is considered to be politically to the right in the Conservative Party Has held several different cabinet posts also under David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson Fought against the fact that Great Britain was going to leave the EU, but has later turned around on the EU issue Born and educated in Oxford, but has also lived in Scotland, Leeds and Canada Was president of Oxford University’s Liberal Democrats Wants to reverse Sunak’s tax increase for businesses and increased national insurance contributions Was inspired by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan Married and has two teenage daughters Elected to parliament from South West Norfolk “Hasta la vista, Baby” As early as Wednesday, Liz Truss meets in the House of Commons for her very first Question Time as Prime Minister. There she meets opposition leader Keir Starmer for a verbal duel. He has been used to facing a hard-hitting Boris Johnson in these Wednesday rounds, but is now preparing for a new style with the new prime minister. Before the summer, Boris Johnson apologized for such a round in parliament. He then finished with the comment “hasta la vista, baby” – i.e. “until we meet again”. Tomorrow Boris Johnson will leave Downing Street and end his three-year term as Prime Minister. Photo: NIKLAS HALLE’N / AFP The British media are now speculating whether Johnson is planning a comeback as prime minister. But for now, he will be seen on the back benches in the House of Commons. In addition to the fact that he will probably hold well-paid lectures and write his memoirs, according to the conservative newspaper Daily Telegraph, among others.
