Kristian (15) broke Ingebrigtsen’s record – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

15-year-old Bråthen Børve clocked in at 14:34.34 in the 5000 metres, and therefore lowered Jakob Ingebrigtsen’s age record by over four seconds. The previous record was 14:38.67, and has stood since 2016. – I had a feeling that it had gone fast, but I wasn’t completely sure right away. I was surprised, because I thought I was doing worse at the time than I actually did, says a cheerful Bråthen Børve to news. STRONG PERFORMANCE: Kristian Bråthen Børve with a super time during the junior NM. Photo: Einar Børve Earlier on Wednesday, news also came that Jakob Ingebrigtsen’s age record of 3:39.92 in the 1500 meters for U18s has also been set. It was lowered by Dutch Niels Laros, who jumped in at 3:39.46. Ull/Kisa runner Børve had a plan to take the age record, but did not know that it was Jakob Ingebrigtsen’s record until after the race. – I knew I had the opportunity to take that record, but there was a bit of a question as to whether I had the form to do it that day, he says humbly. Now he reveals that the Ingebrigtsen family is to blame for the runner choosing to invest fully in athletics. Thank you, the Ingebrigtsen family It was last year that Bråthen Børve put away full-time cross-country skiing, choosing to devote more time to cross-country running and middle and long distance. – I would like to say that I owe my start in athletics to the Ingebrigtsen family. My father watched team Ingebrigtsen, and said he wanted to see how I would do on the athletics track, and that is what started my athletics career, he says. – What was the biggest change in your training after you started betting? – There have been many more threshold sessions, where you use lactate measurement to be sure that you run at the right pace and at the right intensity, he says. SATSAR: Kristian Bråthen Børve (in yellow). Here from UM in Trondheim. Photo: Einar Børve Nevertheless, he does not want to say that he will be the next great runner from Norway. – There are very many within the young age right now, who have great opportunities. There are other athletes who I would say are better than me, he says. He believes the high level is due to an increased interest in athletics among young people. – There are definitely many more people who continue with jumping at such a high level than there used to be. There are many people who are good at middle and long distances, and that is probably because something has changed. I would say that the Ingebrigtsen family had something to do with it, says Børve. The next competition for Børve is the National Championships in cross-country running in October, and the big goal is to be good enough to participate in the WC and Olympics. – That’s what I’m hoping for, he says and smiles. Impressed by the times news’s ​​athletics commentator Jann Post knows little about Kristian Bråthen Børve, but acknowledges that the times are amazingly good. – It indicates that he has trained well and at the right time in his life. It is impressive that young runners run at such times, says Post to news. IMPRESSED: Jann Post, here together with athletics expert Vebjørn Rodal. Photo: Anders Skjerdingstad / news However, he does not think that one should expect Børve to become the next Jakob Ingebrigtsen, and at the same time sounds a small warning about comparing himself to the achievements of Jakob at that time. Ingebrigtsen’s 5,000-meter time was seen on 6 August 2016 during the junior national championships in Brandbu, and Post believes that it was a race Ingebrigtsen took part in. – It is a very good time compared to everyone else, but he is not necessarily on par with Jakob. He didn’t run for time in all exercises at that age, and is perhaps the worst in the world to compare himself to as well, says Post. Nevertheless, he has no doubt that Børve has done his things correctly so far in his career. – We have an all-time list at that age, and there are quite a few who have tried now. It goes without saying that you are then extremely good and quite well set up to achieve something later, but it is far from a guarantee. – I don’t expect him to run the senior WC next year and be as good as Jakob, it will be a bit unfair, says Post.
