The police have arrested three people after shooting at Torshov in Oslo – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

At 20.26 on Tuesday evening, the police wrote on Twitter that there had been reports of shots being fired at Torshov in Oslo. – We are on the scene with a lot of police. Furthermore, they write that it was possibly fired from one car at another. A short time later, the police tell news that they have control of two cars and that they have arrested three people in connection with the incident. Large areas have been cordoned off at Torshov and the police have interviewed several witnesses. Possible “form of settlement” Operations manager Guro Sandnes tells news they received the first reports about the incident at 20.18. – Many people called us saying they heard several bangs in the area around Torshovgata. – We currently have no indications that anyone has been hit by the shots, adds operations manager Sandnes. Operations leader Nicolai Backe Henden about the shooting at Torshov in Oslo. The incident leader at the scene, Nicolai Backe Henden, says at the same time that there is an obvious danger to the public when shooting takes place in a public space. – So we will investigate this further. We have no indications that this has been a targeted attack on the public. It points to some form of settlement, adds Henden. The police are now working to clarify the sequence of events. Photo: Håkon Benjaminsen / news – I was afraid of being shot A witness news has spoken to says that she heard what she thinks were four shots when she was eating at a nearby restaurant. Maria Simone Otterlei was at a nearby restaurant when the incident happened. Photo: Amalie Henden / news – Me and a group were sitting in the outdoor dining area at the Trikkestallen when we suddenly heard four shots. People became restless and started running from the scene, says Maria Simone Otterlei. She says she chose to go into the restaurant when she heard the bangs. – I was afraid of being shot myself. I think it was very disgusting. You hear about shootings and riots in Oslo, but I’ve never been close to that myself, says Otterlei. She also says that she saw some cars speeding away from the scene afterwards. The police showed up in large forces. Photo: Håkon Benjaminsen / news
