Veterinarians receive several inquiries about ticks from dog owners. Believes the tick came earlier this year – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Dog owner Vera Wold from Kongsvinger has had a dog for 40 years and has become familiar with the tick. Still, she was surprised when she took a closer look at the family dog, Billie recently. – Suddenly one day I discovered an unevenness in the skin, and then it was a tick. I think that was very early. I checked a little closer and picked six ticks from Billie that day. LOOKS FLEE IN NEW AREAS: Vera Wold and the dog Billie on a trip. Wold has the impression that there have been ticks in areas where it has not been before. Photo: PRIVATE Wold says the tick came much earlier this year than she is used to. – It may be that others think like me that it is a little early, and that they therefore do not check their dog. How to remove the tick on the dog Grasp the tick as far into the skin as possible, and turn slowly. Then it will eventually drop the roof. Remember to get the whole tick out, your feet too, to avoid inflammation. There are small “crowbars,” which you step on the end of the tick and spin around. Suitable for small ticks or if you think it is disgusting to take in. More compared to previous years Like Wold, there are more who have discovered ticks on their dogs already. The animal clinic in Lillehammer has received several inquiries. That is what Gisle Eritsvær, who is a veterinarian and general manager at the clinic, says. – This year we see that there are several cases of ticks, and we experience that it came earlier this year. – Is it more than normal? – Yes, I would say that. We have heard of several cases where there are many ticks on the dogs. We have also received more calls about ticks compared to previous years. RECOMMENDS TO PREVENT: The best advice is to avoid tick-infested areas, says veterinarian Gisle Eritsvær. Read more advice from the vet further down in the case. Eritsvær tells about dog owners who have picked between 10 and 35 ticks from their dogs at a time. Received a number of inquiries from Innlandet – Our impression is that there are some who say that there are a lot of ticks this year, and we have received a number of inquiries from people in Innlandet who have reported a lot of ticks on the dog or cat. That’s what Yvonne Kerlefsen, a biologist at the tick center, says. IN SHrubs and thickets: Biologist Yvonne Kerlefsen says that the forest tick thrives in areas with dense vegetation, deciduous forest and tall grass. At the same time, she emphasizes that it is difficult to determine whether there are more ticks this year. You can not know for sure until the year is over, and that you have statistics. Nevertheless, she considers the inquiries the center has received: – It is difficult to say from year to year, but it is perhaps more this year compared to last year. FLY SEASON: In Norway, the tick season is often counted from April to November, but this can vary from year to year. The forest tick is the most widespread in this country and is often most active in April and May, and again in late summer. Photo: Per Eikeset Knudsen How active the tick is is very dependent on temperatures outside, says Kerlefsen. – So if there have been periods of warm weather, as it has been lately, then you see an increase in tick activity. Should check the coat after each trip Veterinarian Gisle Eritsvær has several tips to follow and handle ticks. To avoid infection, the owner must check the coat every time the dog has been out. It is important to remove the tick as soon as possible. – I encourage you to go through the coat after each walk and take it off. You can use tweezers or tick removers. Pull the tick straight out and make sure to get the whole tick out. In addition, he encourages and cleans the bite site with disinfectant. In any case, there may be a small local inflammation at the bite site that may itch and be red for a few days, but it is normally unproblematic. CAN CARRY DISEASE: – The tick itself is not dangerous. These are the various infectious diseases it can be associated with, says Gisle Eritsvær. Photo: Kristin Høgmo The best thing is to treat preventively, says the veterinarian. There are several products that prevent the tick from biting, or that it dies if it bites. It can be drops, tablets or your own tick collar. In addition, one should avoid tick-infested areas, such as places with tall grass. Symptoms after six weeks Dogs and cats may not get symptoms as soon as the tick has bitten, if it carries the disease. It often takes six weeks, says Eritsvær, and explains symptoms you should watch for: – There are flu-like symptoms that affect the general condition, fever, tiredness and unsteady. And it is clear when you should and should see a veterinarian: – If they have pain in their joints or muscle pain, then see a veterinarian and remember to tell that the dog and cat were bitten by ticks, says Eritsvær.
