Haaland statue gone without a trace – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

24 August 2022 at 15:32 Haaland statue gone without a trace Someone has taken the three-metre high wooden Haaland statue that stood on a roof in Bryne, reports Jærbladet. The sculpture is made of wood by the artist Kjetil Barane, and stood for a short time in a roundabout in Bryne. Later it was moved to a roof above a nearby business. The statue is now gone. The owner of the statue, Tore Sivertsen, tells the newspaper that the person who should have taken the statue has called him. The person must have strongly disliked the sculpture and did not think it was beautiful. – I have no idea where it is, says Sivertsen to the newspaper. Korkje the artist himself, the owner of the house it stood on or those responsible for the statue know where Haaland has taken the road.
