Daniel Andersen (18) is dead – Latest news – news

19 August 2022 at 19:05 Varden: Daniel Andersen (18) is dead The 18-year-old YouTube star fell asleep on Friday, after several weeks of illness, writes Varden. Together with his brother Simen Andersen (20), he created one of Norway’s largest YouTube channels. The two brothers were also known for their great commitment to bullying. They started the YouTube channel together in 2014, and it quickly became one of the country’s biggest channels. Both brothers were affected by the muscle disease Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The older brother, Simen Andersen, shared the sad news on Facebook, according to Varden. There he writes, among other things: – Today unfortunately came the day we were all dreading, Daniel quietly fell asleep in the intensive care unit at Skien hospital. Fortunately, he was not in pain for the last few hours before he fell asleep quietly.
