Sales of propane are increasing – how to avoid gas accidents – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– We are experiencing increased demand on a daily basis. So says sales manager Morten Roness at Linde Gas AS, which sells AGA propane in Norway. Morten Roness in Linde Gas says they sell more gas per day, but does not want to give exact figures. Photo: Linde Gas AS He says that the increase was greatest this winter. Roness does not want to give concrete figures on how big the increase in sales is. – This winter it probably had something to do with increased electricity prices. At other times of the year, grilling makes up the majority of our propane turnover. They are also seeing an increase in sales at Scandinavia’s largest supplier of propane, Flogas, which supplies both industry and private households. This is both about the fact that it is cost-effective in view of high electricity prices, but also because natural gas, which the industry uses, is twice as expensive as propane now. This is what salesman at Flogas, Nils Gunnar Svanes, says. Warming up with propane stoves Karianne Mæhlum, section leader of the sweeping section in the Vestfold intermunicipal fire service, tells of an increase in the use of propane stoves. During inspections last winter, they found that several people had gone to purchase stoves to heat the house as a result of the high electricity prices. As electricity prices are predicted to be high throughout the winter, Mæhlum does not overlook the fact that more people will purchase propane stoves. Then it is extra important to think that these should only be used under supervision and when you are awake. – Propane stoves must be treated like a candle, you cannot leave the stove or go to bed. They should only be used under supervision, and not everyone thinks about that. – Do you fear more accidents as a result of more people buying such ovens? – Maybe not fear, but we see that the risk of incorrect use is great. She emphasizes that they are not against people using such stoves for heating, but that it is important to follow the instructions for use and take precautions. Take care of the room size Because the gas-powered stoves use oxygen from the room they are in, it is particularly important not to place them in rooms that are too small. – If you use such an oven, should you also install a gas alarm in the house? – Yes absolutely! That is perhaps the most important thing. If you buy an oven, you follow the user guide and install a gas alarm somewhere nearby, says Mæhlum. She adds that the gas is invisible and tends to build up easily because it is heavier than air. In the worst case, it can lead to an explosion. In addition, she reminds that it is only allowed to store two 11 kilo gas cylinders indoors. Low accident figures Figures from the Norwegian Directorate for Social Security and Preparedness (DSB) show no increase in accidents involving propane in recent years. But the numbers don’t show the whole picture. Private individuals are not obliged to report an accident. So far this year, they have received reports of six accidents involving propane, compared to nine in the whole of last year. Although the accident figures on paper are low, DSB believes it is wise to have a regular refresher when it comes to propane gas use. – Many people are probably well aware of the requirement that a maximum of two 11 kilo containers must be stored indoors. But many are probably also unsure of what constitutes safe and secure storage and use, says Brit Skadberg, section manager for chemical safety at DSB. Photo: DSB – Do you recommend propane gas for cooking and heating? – Propane can be a good alternative for those who do not have access to a wood stove or fireplace, but it is important to take the necessary precautions. It’s about having respect for gas and being familiar with the equipment. Here is DSB’s list of things worth checking when using propane: Follow the supplier’s instructions for use. Have good ventilation. Be present in rooms where you use the gas. Regularly check and clean. Close the regulator switch when the appliance is not in use. If you are going away, or if you are not going to use gas for a long time, you must disconnect the regulator. Store containers upright and airy; Not in a basement and in an attic. Good idea to have a propane detector on the floor near the container. It is also a good idea to install a carbon monoxide detector above where you burn gas.
