First impressions of the National Museum – news Culture and entertainment

After several years with closed doors, it will already be possible next Saturday to visit the National Museum’s new premises. The press got the first glimpse on Friday morning, and the hallways buzzed with both national and international voices. Klaus Schuwerk, the architect behind the building, was also present. On previous occasions, the architect has not hidden his own dissatisfaction with the museum’s design, but when he meets news on Vestbanen, the chimney has a slightly different sound. – It is twofold. Basically, I am impressed with the rooms, the proportions of the rooms and the quality. I’m happy, he says. Schuwerk praises the interaction between the various elements in the building, but not everything is exclusively positive. The museum was designed by Klaus Schuwerk (architect’s office: Kleihues + Schuwerk), and was built by Statsbygg on behalf of the Ministry of Culture. Photo: Iwan Baan / National Museum – At the same time, I am very disappointed with some of the decisions that were made completely in contrast to the architecture, culture and result, the architect continues. Schuwerk further aims at the choice of interior and the signage of the building. The director of the National Museum, Karin Hindsbo, is helping to open the doors to the museum, and when news mentions the criticism from Schuwerk, she is understanding of the feedback. Architect Klaus Schuwerk believes that the first impression is twofold. Photo: Berit Roald / NTB scanpix – We have got a fantastic museum because we have a very committed architect who is concerned with the details, also it may be the limit for which details we should decide or not as there has been some discussion around, Hindsbo answers . – A milestone It has been a turbulent start for the National Museum. When the opening was postponed from the summer of 2020, the museum received criticism from several quarters. Art critic Mona Pahle Bjerke called it a scandal at the time. The mannequins of the historical garments are measured by the famous personalities who wore them. Photo: Linda Marie Vedeler In addition, several have criticized the facade of the prestigious building, which is made of gray slate. Two years of overtime with loud critics and 13,000 square meters to fill with art, there is great excitement in the building before the first impressions flow in. – I think it is completely natural when a building is erected in the middle of the city that there are some discussions about it. There has been a certain tradition for this in other cases as well, she says. The director says that it will be good to have people in the building and to be able to show all the art. – I hope it will never be quiet around the National Museum, because then we have probably failed a little. – I am so happy that we can now again see these works that have been hidden away from us for many years, says news art critic. Photo: Linda Marie Vedeler A good first impression news’s ​​art critic Mona Pahle Bjerke was one of those who took the trip on Friday morning. – I almost cried with joy over the reunion with these fantastic works of art, says Bjerke after looking around. There is still a lot to discover in the Nordic region’s largest cultural building, but she is looking forward to getting to know the museum better. – I think we will understand why the building has this introverted character when you come in and see all that the building has to offer. The National Museum opens to the public on 11 June. Photo: Iwan Baan / National Museum
