96,000 salmon died – Grieg Seafood has received a multi-million settlement – news Troms and Finnmark

Grieg Seafood has received a fine of 1.4 million after the discharge of chlorine at the plant in Kvenvikveien in Alta on 9 August 2021. An employee, who did not have sufficient training, was given the responsibility of refilling the tanks. 16,000 liters of chlorine leaked into the sea, and 96,000 salmon in waiting cages died of suffocation. The police in Finnmark believe that Grieg Seafood has broken both the Pollution Act and the Animal Welfare Act. From the time Grieg Seafood receives the submission, they have 15 days to decide whether they want to accept it. If the proposal is not adopted, the case is sent to the court for adjudication. – Very regrettable Grieg Seafood Finnmark informs news that they have not had a look at the company penalty, and they will make a comment on the case once they have read the case papers. – The chlorine discharge in 2021 was very regrettable, and something that should not happen. Since then, we have taken several measures to ensure that something similar will not happen again, and we have learned lessons from the incident at several levels in the organisation, writes community relations at Grieg Seafood Finnmark in an email to news. Pedersen states that an independent environmental investigation of the Akvaplan level was carried out following the spill. That investigation showed that the Altafjorden was not affected by the discharge. The survey consisted, among other things, of bottom environment surveys, ROV surveys and other analyses. – We have not yet seen the submission and the justification from the police and will make an assessment of the specifics when we have seen it. Community contact at Grieg Seafood Finnmark, Roger Pedersen, states that the farming company has taken several measures after the spill in 2021. Photo: Jonas Løken Estenstad / news – Too cheap It was the Norwegian Nature Conservation Association that reported the matter to the police. Leader Truls Gulowsen says that it is good that the police punish environmental pollution, but that the company’s fine is too low. – 1.4 million is a lot for a private person, but little for such a large company for such a major offence, says Gulowsen. – It is far too cheap to pollute and be sloppy in Norway. This is petty cash. The head of the Nature Conservation Association hopes that the business supplement will put an end to this type of pollution. – It is good that such behavior is punished. Leader of the Nature Conservation Association, Truls Gulowsen, believes that the company supplement is too low. Photo: Ingrid Lindgaard Stranden – Unacceptable The Nature Conservancy hopes that Grieg Seafood changes its routines, so that this type of incident does not happen again. – This is a large release of the environmental poison chlorine, which went straight into the sea and which killed 96,000 farmed salmon by suffocation. In terms of animal welfare and the environment, this is unacceptable, and it should not happen in a serious business, says Gulowsen.
