90 emergency departments are to be closed – but the village will not lose its one again

The reception at Drevsjø was the oldest in the country when it was closed in September last year, after over 30 years of operation. Now there are 140 Ukrainian refugees living there. The villagers and the school volunteered to make everything ready at short notice. The municipality has 1,200 inhabitants and 400 of them live in Drevsjø. – For us, the refugees mean a lot. Not only jobs, but it brings life to the municipality. It is gratifying if we now get another chance to become an ordinary reception again, says acting mayor Terje Langfloen. Receptions are empty The Directorate of Immigration (UDI) established at most 90 emergency receptions around the country to receive refugees after Russia went to war against Ukraine. They expected 60,000, but now that number has been adjusted down to 32,000. Ten of the emergency departments were never used. These municipalities have an agreement on emergency services with UDI today: Åmot Tynset Asker Bergen Lier Moss Engerdal Kongsberg Hareid Oslo Nittedal Nord-Aurdal Moss Ringerike Lørenskog Våler Vang Sarpsborg Sør-Fron Øyer Sunndal Malvik Nordreisa Hammerfest Lødingen Nordkapp Lyngdal Farsund Hå Øygarden Stavanger Bergen Bergen Porsgrunn Kinn Kristiansand Kvæfjord Oslo Ulstein Bodø Evje and Hornnes Oslo Rana Narvik Målselv Bodø Nesna Bodø Ullensaker Indre Østfold Sel Kongsvinger Ål Ålesund Ål Lyngdal Målselv Trysil Trysil Sola Modum Porsgrunn Oslo Ullensvang Drammen Sel Sør-Fron Source: Udi.no Now some have already been dismissed and they the vast majority will receive it during the year. – We now have a process where we have planned the conclusion of new agreements for the operation of ordinary receptions in the autumn, but the number of receptions has not yet been decided, says specialist director of UDI, Steinar A. Munch Rotevatn. A resource Engerdal hopes to be elected. The municipality has submitted an offer and believes they are in a strong position. – The fact that we have operated reception for 30 years has a lot to say. We have expertise and experience. It has also been incorporated into the local community, so schools and kindergartens, organizations and sports teams are used to accepting refugees and asylum seekers, says Ralf Edstrøm, who is the head of the emergency department today. EXPERIENCE: Reception manager Ralf Edstrøm believes they have the experience and resources needed to become an ordinary refugee reception again. Photo: Geir Olav Slåen / news People in Engerdal see the refugees as a resource. New residents mean a lot. Lights in the houses, children at school and the football teams and people along the road. And around 20 jobs at the reception. One of the Ukrainian refugees who lives at the reception says she and her family are enjoying themselves very well. – I like small places better than big cities. There are friendly people here who always say hello and ask how you are, she says. Deciding this month August 1 was the deadline for applying to become a permanent reception. UDI does not want to say anything about the interest, but news knows that several players have applied. – We do not yet know how many new agreements we will enter into. But the forecasts indicate that we can expect 5,000 Ukrainian refugees and we need places for them, says Steinar A. Munch Rotevatn in UDI. The decision will be made during August. The start of the ordinary receptions will be on 15 October at the latest or by agreement. New residents mean a lot to the municipality The reception at Drevsjø has room for 200 refugees. There were 45 new ones this week. The reception manager believes their experience should give them a good opportunity. – We have regained much of the good expertise we had before we were closed down, and we have only had a six-month stay, says reception manager Ralf Edstrøm. Both he and the mayor believe they will have a richer society with refugees in the village. MORE FEET: The refugees at Drevsjø in Engerdal mean more life in the village and more children at school, among other things. Photo: Geir Olav Slåen / news – There are many who miss the life that was in the village with the reception and there are many who will be willing to make an effort to make it good. There is also political agreement on this, says mayor Terje Langfloen.
