800 police officers in London under investigation for sexual abuse and family violence – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The police in London have announced that they will review the background of all the 45,000 employed police officers in the Metropolitan Police. This is confirmed by the Metropolitan Police chief, Mark Rowley, to the BBC. 800 of these are already under investigation after more than 1,000 allegations of sexual abuse and family violence have been received. – I have tens of thousands of wonderful men and women, but I have hundreds who shouldn’t be here, says police chief Mark Rowley. Several incidents Former police officer in the Metropolitan Police, David Carrick, has pleaded guilty to 24 rapes and a number of other assaults. Photo: HERTFORDSHIRE POLICE / Reuters The appointment of the police chief comes in connection with the ongoing criminal case against former police officer Davik Carrick. He worked as a police officer with the police in London until he was arrested in October 2021, guilty of a series of rapes and other abuses. In court, it has emerged that Carrick is said to have used his role as a police officer to create trust in his victims. He pleaded guilty to 43 debts already in December, before he pleaded guilty to six more on Monday. In total, he has pleaded guilty to 24 rapes and 25 other prostitution offences. After a number of previous notifications, the former police officer was only caught when a woman chose to report him, as a result of another public storm for the police in London. As late as September 2021, former police officer Wayne Couzens was convicted of murder, rape and kidnapping of 33-year-old Sarah Everard. After this incident, the police in London publicly came out with an action plan to win back the people’s trust. Conducting investigation The police in London have received criticism for not being careful enough with background checks and for not taking previous notifications seriously. David Carrick, who has now admitted to having carried out a series of rapes and assaults over a period of 16 years, was investigated by the police twice during this period. Despite having already received five public complaints, he escaped checks in both 2009 and 2017. Mark Rowley was brought in for the job as police chief four months ago. He notifies the police of washing dishes to prevent similar incidents from happening again. – We have not been tough enough to take action on this. And on my watch this will change, he says. – We evaluate every single employee systematically, Rowley explains further. And add that he hopes the residents of London will see that they are now firmly determined to solve what many call a trust problem in the police. Police chief Mark Rowley regrets: – We have failed women and we have failed Londoners. Photo: Carl de Souza / AP A spokesperson for the Prime Minister in Great Britain, Rishi Sunak, says that the Prime Minister still has confidence in both the police in London and Police Chief Rowley: – The police chief has recognized the considerable work that is needed in the police force. The spokesperson nevertheless says that Sunak recognizes that incidents such as these are very damaging to residents’ trust in the police. The final verdict against former police officer David Carrick will come in February.
