75 percent are either dissatisfied or indifferent – news Nordland

– How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Bodø 2024 so far? news’s ​​reporter in Bodø asks a random passerby. – Haven’t heard about it, replies the Narvik, who doesn’t want to say his name. Like the 600 people Norstat has asked the same question, he is allowed to remain anonymous. Tonight, news invites you to this year’s live cultural debate from Bodø where we ask: NOK 300 million was supposed to be a cultural festival for the whole of Nordland, but has it become? We would like your questions for tonight’s debate: The director is satisfied – I don’t think it is particularly alarming, says André Walland Larsen. Since 2020, he has led the work on Bodø 2024 and has been served the numbers so far. 21 percent are either very or somewhat dissatisfied. 25 percent say the opposite; they are satisfied. The rest? Indifferent or say they don’t know. Before becoming head of Bodø 2024, André Wallan Larsen led Nordland Musikkfestuke for a number of years. Photo: Nordland Musikkfestuke The director says he is satisfied with the results of the survey, especially considering that the population of the whole of Nordland was asked. – I think the numbers would have been higher on the positive side if it was only for Bodø. The anonymous Narviking in the center of Bodø is perhaps a good example of exactly that challenge; that people outside Bodø do not know very much about Bodø 2024. Have you heard of Bodø 2024? Yes No Not sure, but now I know a little more Show result But director Larsen himself has stated that this is a project for the whole of Nordland, where did it go wrong? – We do projects for the whole of Nordland, but it is not equally visible everywhere, says Larsen and explains that many of the projects are with collaboration partners. – If anyone has been to the Hamsun Centre, for example, then they have experienced a Bodø 2024 project. But the experience is enough that they have been to the Hamsun Centre. Good for business, not for culture Cultural critic Anki Gerhardsen does not read the numbers as positive. – 75 percent are either indifferent, unsure or dissatisfied. These must be discouraging figures for the organization Bodø 2024 and Bodø municipality, which have invested a lot of money in this project. No, director Larsen takes it with crushing calm. He believes that 21 per cent dissatisfied is quite small, and he comments on those who are indifferent as follows: – That many people are in the middle in such a survey is not surprising either. Anki Gerhardsen in an earlier debate with the program manager for Bodø 2024, Henrik Dagfinrud. Photo: Andreas Nilsen Trygstad / news Culture critic Gerhardsen suspects that the many indifferent opinions have their origin in what she calls a “schizophrenic” narrative about what Bodø 2024 really is. – For a very long time it was very difficult to understand what it was. It was sold as an investment in art and culture, but it is primarily an investment to boost tourism and business, she says. In this case, she says, culture is used as a very temporary toolbox to do just that. – I think these figures can be interpreted in light of this confusion about what Bodø 2024 is. During the year there are 1,000 events in connection with Bodø 2024. Here from a concert with the artists iDJa and Ramona Linnea. Photo: Sondre Skjelvik / news Taking self-criticism, but… What about people who live in Bodø, what have they brought with them? – It looks fine, but I haven’t used much of it, says Torgeir Fagertun and admits that he lives half the year in Las Palmas. Admittedly, he has caught sight of the mentioned art outside the Bodø Museum, which has not completely convinced him: – Looks absolutely damn good. Read, see and judge for yourself: In the end, news manages to find a person who lives in Bodø on a permanent basis; Life of Marit Schjem. – I caught the opening this winter, she says. She is a little unsure of how qualified she is to say something about how satisfied she is, but saying that says more about her. – It’s probably more about how much I follow cultural life. It’s probably a bit my fault, she says, laughing. Liv Marit Schjem I have registered that there has been a lot of activity around Bodø. Photo: Lise Forfang Hagen / Lise Forfang Hagen At the same time, she thinks the organization could do more to reach out. – I don’t quite know where to look. It is not completely overt. Is it in Stormen, Bodø Nu or AN? The evening’s debate is broadcast at 21:15 on news 2, or you can follow it directly via stream at news.no/nordland. READ ALSO: Published 11.09.2024, at 09.29 Updated 11.09.2024, at 11.19
