7 January will be the busiest day of the year on Tinder and other dating apps – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

It is very quiet in the cafe at NTNU. Almost empty. The students may still be at home with mum and dad. Maybe they use their last few days of vacation to update their profiles on some dating app. But two who are in place are 20-year-old Adina Wattum and 21-year-old Joakim Hansen. They sit in a corner of the sofa and talk about a book. Joakim is single but doesn’t have a dating app on his phone, even though many have said he should – I have a romantic idea that I’ll meet someone in a minute, so I haven’t bothered to download any apps yet, but I might have to do it then, because it hasn’t worked so far, he laughs. Who knows. Maybe he managed to download and create a profile now before the big day. Adina Wattum (20) believes her study mate Joakim (21) should have a dating app on his phone. Photo: Jørgen Leangen / news “Dating Sunday” The first Sunday of the new year is called “Dating Sunday”. According to Tinder, this is the busiest dating app of the year. Based on figures from last year, the app believes that 22 percent more messages will be sent globally on this day, compared to other days. There will also be over 18 per cent more “likes” this Sunday. January is also the most popular month to be active on the apps, and many singles use the first month of the year to spruce up their profiles with new photos, writes the Daily Mail. Hard work Psychologist Marius Stavang researches dating. He believes that many people have a New Year’s resolution to find a girlfriend. Something you have to work for. – Dating today can be hard work. Many people do not meet new people in their natural environment, and then use dating apps. – Every day is a good day to find a partner, whether it’s in January or June, says psychologist Marius Stavang. Photo: Jørgen Leangen / news He says that half of those who are single today have dating apps. – Among the singles who are looking for a girlfriend, the figures are even higher. Certain international surveys have shown that most people now meet their partner through dating apps. Stavang is aware that the apps also have many negative sides. – Although research can show that most relationships are formed by meeting through dating apps, it is still the case that most people do not actually find someone through these apps. – Every day is a good day The psychologist is quite sure that every day is a good day to find a partner. – We are always concerned with attachment relationships and our sexual interest is always turned on. So if you haven’t had time to get your profile ready by January 7th, you can jump on this train at any time. – There are many people who are just looking for “a quick one” after the city, while others want to “live it out” in a way, says 20-year-old Tuva about dating apps. Photo: Jørgen Leangen / news – Order catalog At a shopping center in Trondheim we find 29-year-old Rayner. He visits his app a couple of times a week. – It feels more like an order catalogue, he says. Still, he’s on the app hoping to find love one day. – Right now I may be using it as a catalog myself, but eventually I hope to find someone who wants to build something further. Six good tips for those who want to get started Have good pictures Research shows that it is your profile pictures that have the most to say about the interest you get, so find your best looking pictures. – Choose photos where you both look good and bring out appealing aspects of your personality, says Stavang. “Casual” bio Write a bio that is a bit short, but that conveys who you are on a personal level. According to Stavang, there is a slightly different culture on the different apps linked to how seriously you should write and how much you should write in the bio. – You have to look into that a bit. On Tinder, it seems that there is a culture for having a “casual” and short bio. Fill in the blanks, men! Studies show that it is very important for men to have a biography in their profile. According to the dating researcher, you then get significantly more interest from women. – It is more important for men than women to have a full profile and fill in the fields you can. Women tend to have a greater need for information about who they are going to meet. Men tolerate more uncertainty there. Tell what you do for a living – International studies have also shown that men with a good job or education should show it on their profile. You get more interest from it, says Stavang. Men with normal jobs should also tell about it, because women have a greater need for information. – For women, interest in work and education neither increased nor decreased. Women therefore need not be afraid of “scaring away” men if they have prestigious jobs, says Stavang. Looking for a long-term relationship? Say it! If you are a man and want to use a dating app, the researcher believes that it is wisest to think that this works best when you want to get a girlfriend. Then you should show that it is what you are looking for. – Unless you are very attractive, you will probably struggle to get any particular interest if your profile communicates that you are only interested in casual sex. Stavang says that women should also be clear about what they are looking for. – Women will probably get a lot of interest both by expressing that they are interested in a short-term relationship and a long-term relationship. Be generous If you are going to download a dating app for the first time, the advice from the dating researcher is to go into it with a slightly light-hearted and generous attitude. You should also try not to be so self-critical when sending a message. – Be generous with whoever you receive messages from. Be nice to each other. Try to put the “icks” aside. Relax and good luck!
