67 million children dropped out of vaccination programs due to covid-19 – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

During the pandemic, there was at times great pressure on all countries’ health systems. Health personnel were re-prioritized for covid-19 vaccination, there could be a major shortage of personnel, and people also had to largely stay at home. The result was that some 67 million children dropped out of vaccination programs between 2019 and 2020. 48 million of these are so-called “zero-dose children”, which means that they have never received a single vaccine. – Over a decade of hard-earned progress in the routine implementation of vaccination programs for children has been washed away, says the report, which was presented on Thursday night Norwegian time. Doubling of measles Children who were born just before and during the pandemic are now passing the age at which they would normally have been vaccinated. It will be challenging to get back on track, Unicef ​​points out in the report. By 2022, the number of measles cases doubled and the number of children paralyzed by polio increased by 16 percent due to the halt in the programs.
