500 pigs burned inside a pig barn on Jæren – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

The emergency services were notified of the fire at 11.36pm and crews from three fire stations have rushed to the scene. – When we arrived shortly after, it had caught fire and now the roof has collapsed, so the pigs must probably be considered lost, says fire chief Nils-Erik Haagenrud in Rogaland fire and rescue to NTB just before 1 a.m. on Wednesday. He explains that they could not send in smoke divers because of the fire in the roof. – Emergency slaughter has been ordered for the pigs that survived the fire, he says. Just before half past two on Wednesday, the police reported that all the pigs in the pig house had been lost. The emergency services went out on Wednesday night to a fire in a pig barn on Jæren. Photo: Heidi Karin Gilje Skog 500 pigs died It was initially reported that there were 600 pigs in the pig house, but according to the police, it should be around 500. – It must have been approx. 500 pigs in the pig house. None of these have made it out, so all the pigs are presumed dead, writes the operations center on Twitter. At around 00:40 the fire service reported that they had the fire under control. Ten minutes before, the roof of the building had collapsed. The fire chief says there is no obvious cause for the fire. – What has happened here, the investigation will show.
