50-year-old record in Bodø was challenged for the first time – news Nordland

Tropical nights are rare in northern Norway. The term is used on nights where the minimum temperature is 20 degrees or more. And even though it is hot in Norway during the day, it takes a lot for shopkeepers to experience the phenomenon in June. In fact, it has not happened since June 29, 1972. That night the temperature never dropped below 21.7 degrees. Almost on the day 50 years later it happened again. And the lowest temperature measured in Bodø last night? 21.7 degrees. Do you struggle to sleep when it’s tropical night? Yes, in the bedroom it should be cool! No, I sleep best when it’s hot! Show result Took another record from the same year Iselin Skjervagen, state meteorologist at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, tells news that tropical nights were measured in three places in Nordland on Monday night. Bodø measured 21.7 degrees. In Lurøy, the temperature rose to as much as 22.1 degrees, while Glomfjord just managed to sneak in a tropical night with 20.1 degrees. Despite the fact that it was warmer in Lurøy, it is Bodø that was on a record hunt last night. – Tropical night in June has only happened once in Bodø. It was in 1972, also then with 21.7 as the night’s minimum temperature, says Skjervagen. The weather was good in large parts of the country until Monday night. This photo was taken during Monday’s sunrise at Kilværet in Nordland. Photo: Lisbeth Mikkelsen In other words, the record was broken. But another record was also set. A record that was also set on the hot days in 1972. – The station in Bodø had a heat record in June from 30 June 1972. It was 28.8 degrees, the state meteorologist explains. – On Saturday this weekend, it was measured 29 degrees. So the old record was broken. Check the climate where you liveSearch for your municipality Very unusual Hanne Heiberg, researcher in the climate services department at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, can only conclude with the obvious. – It is very unusual with tropical nights in Nordland in June. Very rarely. But the fact that it happened for the first time in 50 years in Bodø indicates that on a general basis it is getting warmer all over the globe. The sun may be high in the sky in northern Norway when it is summer, but it is far between the tropical nets. Photo: Sondre Skjelvik / news – The chance increases of course for tropical nights. And we see that there are far more heat records than cold records. There is quite a big difference too, Heiberg explains. She adds: – There is no doubt that we are facing warmer times and that the chance of tropical nights and heat records is increasing. – Can we expect more heat records over the summer? – I do not want to say that we can expect it. During the summer, there are usually hot periods and colder periods. It goes up and down. – Whether there will be a warm period in July is not good to say. – But those who have a holiday late in the summer do not have to take the grief in advance, there may be several periods of heat? – They do not have to take the grief in advance, no. There may be more heat. Now it is also hot even though there are clouds in many places. If it gets sunny, it can get even hotter.
