34 cattle rescued after roof collapsed at Lyngdal – Latest news – news

20 January 2024 at 00:32 34 cattle rescued after roof collapse at Lyngdal 34 cattle were evacuated after a roof on an operating building in Kvåvik in Lyngdal collapsed on the night of Saturday. The incident was reported to the 110 central in Agder that a roof structure on an operating building in Lyngdal had partially collapsed, and that there were supposed to be animals in the building. – We moved out together with the fire brigade. There we assessed the safety of the crew and eventually got an excavator that could lift the collapsed building, so that it was safe to evacuate 34 cattle, operations manager Tom Einar Gausdal tells news. He adds that all the animals were unharmed and in good condition. The fire service is back on site with the owner to try to stabilize the building mass.
