300 employees are laid off at Melhustorget after a crane overturned and fatal accident – news Trøndelag

The accident happened on Friday morning. A 60 meter high crane overturned over Melhustorget in Trøndelag. A woman in her 50s from Trondheim died. The accident has resulted in the building lacking electricity, heat, water and ventilation. On Monday, it became known that all employees at the shopping center are out of work. – Right now we know absolutely nothing. We are not allowed access to the building, and that has to do with security reasons. We do not know how extensive the damage to the construction is, says media contact in the centre’s management, Tone M. Drazkowski to news. 300 employees at more than 20 stores have been made redundant. Employees in chain stores are being redeployed to other stores in the region, says the center manager. Tone M. Drazkowski says many people now experience an uncertain future in terms of their workplace. Photo: Morten Andersen / news Have video of the crane overturn The police’s forensic technicians and the Norwegian Labor Inspectorate carried out new investigations at the site on Monday. – This is a serious and extensive matter, and the police are in close contact with the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority as the expert body. Given the scope of the case, it will take time to clarify any criminal circumstances. That’s what prosecutor Karin Hvidsten Roven in Trøndelag police district says. The condition of the crane, and how the regulations surrounding its use have been followed, is part of what is being investigated. No charges have yet been brought in the case, and the police say it is too early to say anything about what could be the cause. They are said to have secured a recording of the crane falling, but this is not being made public. This is what it looks like in the center of Melhus after a 60-metre-high crane fell over the roof of the shopping center on Friday morning. Photo: Morten Andersen / news Closed indefinitely Mayor of Melhus municipality, Jorid Jagtøyen, says the center of Melhus has changed forever. The shopping center has been a meeting point for the local population. – It is Monday, and we see the realities. Many people have lost their jobs, and we have lost goods and services that we are used to. It affects us, says the mayor. The area is currently a construction site and the result will be the new “Melhustorget”. It is intended that the old building will be demolished in a few years.
