3 out of 4 electric car drivers are confused by the charging prices – the government says new requirements are around the corner

– No, I have no idea. I have no idea, answers Susanne Stang when asked if she knows how much it costs to quickly charge the electric car. She is one of several electric car drivers news spoke to in Oslo who had to acknowledge the same. Today, it is difficult for electric drivers to compare prices for fast charging. Many people have no idea what they actually pay for fast charging. There is no central overview that shows charging prices in real time. It is also highly variable whether the individual charging station states the charging price. With most charging operators, you have to enter apps and QR codes to find the charging price. Sometimes you won’t know the price until after you start charging. This has led to as many as three out of four electric car drivers finding it difficult to find the price before charging, according to a recent survey carried out by the Electric Vehicle Association. – With good price information, we also get better competition. Also, as a consumer, I want to know what I will pay for the goods or services I will buy, says general secretary Christina Bu of the Electric Vehicle Association. SLOW: Christina Bu in the Electric Vehicle Association is not impressed by the government’s pace in connection with the price information regulation for electric cars. Photo: Einar Aslaksen Top: – Unacceptable In the National charging strategy that was presented in December 2022, it appears that the government wants it to be easy to find out the price of charging an electric car and compare the prices. The Ministry of Children and Families is responsible for the price information regulations and is thus responsible for following this up. But so far it has been slow. And in Bergen, even the consumer minister struggles to find the charging price when news meets her. – It is very difficult. I try to find out myself what my charging costs, and have basically given up, says Minister for Children and Families Kjersti Toppe (Sp), who is also responsible for consumer affairs in the government. Photo: Agnieszka Iwanska / news She believes it is “unacceptable” and that all consumers should be able to find out in a simple way what a product and service costs. – As an electric car user today, it is very difficult to understand what you actually pay, says Toppe and promises that the new rules are finally just around the corner: – The consultation proposal will go out in the autumn, and then we will get new rules adopted for this as soon as possible. Have set up the electricity price on the Christina Bu mast in the Electric Vehicle Association, it seems the waiting time has been long. She points out that it has been over a year and a half since the government decided that they should require price information. – On behalf of the country’s electric car drivers, I have to say that I think it has been slow, and I hope they will now prioritize this, says Bu. CHARGING PRICE: Uno-X has started to list the charging price on the well-known mast together with the prices for petrol and diesel. Photo: news One company has met the requirements in the pre-emption. At Uno-X you get the price of both petrol, diesel and electricity on the company’s yellow mast. – We asked ourselves the question: What does the customer want? And it is quite obvious that they want the price for what it costs when they have to charge, Ole Johannes Tønnessen, general manager of Uno-X E-Mobility, tells news. – Is this difficult to achieve? – It’s not hard. This technology is at least 20 years old, says Tønessen. Published 27/07/2024, at 21.33
