25 children with connections to Norway can get out of Gaza today – Latest news – news

3 December 2023 at 08:19 25 children with connections to Norway can get out of Gaza today It became clear yesterday that close to 60 people with connections to Norway, who stay in the war zone in Gaza, will be released on Sunday. This was confirmed by Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide (Ap) to news. The list that news got access to on Sunday from the border authorities on the Gaza Strip shows that there are 56 people with connections to Norway who are going out. 25 of them are under 18 and the youngest is six months old. The oldest child is 12 years old. 44 of the 56 have Norwegian citizenship, 11 have Palestinian citizenship and one is Swedish. – Even if we have this agreement with everyone who decides, a lot can happen, it’s a demanding situation, Barth Eide told news on Saturday.
