2,000 pilgrims suffered heat stroke – Latest news – news

30 June 2023 at 04:37 2,000 pilgrims suffered heat stroke Over 2,000 people have been affected by heat stroke in connection with this year’s celebration of the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, where the temperature has reached 48 degrees. More than 1.8 million Muslims participated in this year’s celebration, the first since 2019 to be held without corona restrictions. Hajj follows the Muslim lunar calendar and therefore moves from year to year. This year’s edition fell on the hottest part of the summer. On Thursday alone, 1,700 heatstrokes were recorded, according to the Saudi Arabian authorities. They do not state how many have died from heat stroke. At least 230 people, many of them pilgrims from Indonesia, have died from various causes during the holiday. The figure is based on reporting from several individual countries. (NTB)
