200 complaints, but no consequences – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

On Sunday, one of Norway’s biggest influencers, Sophie Elise Isachsen (28), published a picture on Instagram that has received a lot of attention. In the photo, Isachsen is standing next to a friend, who is also an influencer. In her left hand, her friend holds a small transparent plastic bag containing something white. The caption reads: “Life is about a billion times more fun when you just give a damn.” Isachsen has over 580,000 followers on Instagram. The picture on Isachsen’s profile was removed after a short time. In recent days, however, it has been spread at record speed via social media such as TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit and Facebook. No consequences Sophie Elise Isachsen is associated with news through the podcast “Sophie og Fetisha”, which is published every Thursday. – Today we spoke to Sophie Elise. The photo in question was not taken in connection with news or posted on any of news’s ​​platforms, so it would not be right for us to comment on it, says Christina Rezk Resar, acting editor at news Entertainment, in an email. – Given the information Sophie Elise has given us, this will not have any consequences for the collaboration between her and news, and the podcast will air as planned on Thursday. There have been 200 complaints to the Broadcasting Council in connection with the Instagram post, the Broadcasting Council informs news. Revealed pill abuse Sophie Elise Isachsen has previously spoken about her pill abuse in the news podcast “Sophie og Fetisha”. – I chose to admit myself, after having spent well over a year lying to everyone around me that I had stopped taking sedative tablets. Because that was my problem – pills, Isachsen said in the first podcast episode that was released in September last year. Fetisha and Sophie Elise talk about how Sophie Elise has been in the last year. Finally, she decided to seek help, and checked herself into drug addiction rehab. Sophie Elise Isachsen is associated with news through the podcast “Sophie og Fetisha”. Her client is news Entertainment. news Nyheter works journalistically independently with this case.
