20 died in a fire in a Russian retirement home – Latest news – news

24 December 2022 at 05:16 20 died in a fire in a Russian home for the elderly 20 people died when a fire broke out in an unofficial home for the elderly in the city of Kemerovo in western Siberia, according to the Russian news agency Tass. Tass quotes fire crews as saying that the entire second floor of a building that housed 20 residents has been burnt out. The fire must be under control. Two have been admitted to hospital with serious burns. On Saturday morning, a search was underway in the burned-out ruins of the elderly home. The temperature is around minus 20 degrees. The fire crews say that many homes for the elderly are operated without being registered in Russia, which means that they are not regularly inspected, as they are considered private property. (NTB-Reuters)
