2.5 kilometer long ice jam blocks Stjørdalselva – considering evacuation – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

John Fornes had to run away when the water came rushing into the farm. Photo: Morten Andersen / news The weather change in Trøndelag means that a lot of ice has loosened. A large ice jam has formed in Stjørdalselva in Hegra. According to the municipality, there is 2.5 kilometers of ice that has accumulated. The water rose very quickly for a period. – When the last drop of water came, we actually had to run away to get away dry, says John Fornes. He lives with Tove Berg Fornes in the cottage on the farm Nordre Fornes a few kilometers east of Stjørdal. The ice masses have built up where the river Forra flows into Stjørdalselva. Photo: Morten Andersen / news Water in the outhouse When they got up this morning, they discovered that water and ice had started to accumulate. – We were only able to drive a short distance before we encountered water and lumps of ice. We made it to the courtyard, but there we saw that there was a lot of ice by the fence, says Tove Berg Fornes. Over the course of the day, more water and ice have arrived on the farm. Tove Berg Fornes discovered the ice and water on the farm when she was going to work. Photo: Morten Andersen / news – There is 20-30 centimeters of water in some of the houses on the farm. We got something out, but not everything. Something is broken, she says. She talks about enormous powers in the ice masses. – For a while it was a bit dramatic. You have nothing to worry about. In the fields around the farm, there is now several meters of ice in many places. Enormous amounts of ice cause the water to flood over Stjørdalselva and the river Forra in Trøndelag. The police have decided that people in the area must evacuate. Evacuating people Both the police, the fire service and Stjørdal municipality are now on site to monitor the water and ice. A representative from NVE has also come to the site to give advice on what to do next. The latest reports from the site are that the water is rising and has now risen so much that the police have decided to evacuate some of the people who live around the river. – We are probably talking about 4-5 people and a couple of dogs evacuating themselves now, says operations manager Anlaug Oseid at Trøndelag police district. The main rescue center has also put a rescue helicopter on standby if it becomes necessary to evacuate people quickly. Several roads are closed. Photo: Trond Odin Myhre Johansen / news Several roads closed – As of now, Forradalsvegen is closed. In addition, a number of private roads are closed, says traffic operator Runar Kvalshaug at Veitrafikksentralen to news. E14 to Sweden is not closed. – The water has receded a little further recently, says Kvalshaug. The amounts of water cause problems for both people and buildings. Photo: Morten Andersen / news Fearing the cold According to the weather forecast, no large amounts of precipitation are expected in the near future. This gives those who live in the area hope that the situation will improve. The fear is that the cold that has been reported next week will make things difficult. – If all this ice spews now, then we won’t be able to clean the inside of the house. We hope that doesn’t happen, says John Fornes. Large amounts of ice prevent the water from flowing freely in both Stjørdalselva and the river Forra in Stjørdal municipality.
