2.1 billion more from the landowners – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– This can save the field, say sources with close knowledge of the process. It is a significant change on the revenue side and will reduce the toll use for the project accordingly, it is argued. The cost of building the course has increased steadily. After the last billion crack became known on April 1, there has been a real danger that the entire course will be scrapped. The price of just over eight kilometers of metro between Majorstua and Fornebu is up to NOK 26.4 billion. Splice layer Fornebubanen is a splice layer between the state, Oslo and Viken through tolls, as well as landowners. The landowners at Fornebu have already committed to contribute a little over NOK 2 billion. On the Oslo side, 88 million has come in from developers on Skøyen. After the crack became known, OBOS has said it is willing to turn up another 300 million kroner. Landowners on Vækerø in Oslo have also said they are willing to contribute to a new station there. Now sources tell news that the extra contributions from the landowners are up to 2.1 billion kroner. Thus, the total sum from the landowners is between 4 and 5 billion kroner. The extra billions will come from both sides of the county border. The money from Vækerø will not be part of this. The reason is that there is an approved plan for development in the area. Thus, it is unclear how much money it is possible to get in. FORNEBU STATION: The station will be located in what is today a giant construction pit. Photo: Zaha Hadid Architects / A-lab Impatient city council In Oslo, the fate of Fornebubanen’s fate will probably be decided in an extraordinary meeting of the city council next Wednesday. The city council’s business committee, where the party leaders in the city council sit, was gathered for a meeting this afternoon. Several parties in the opposition asked when the city council intends to present a case about the future of the track. City council deputy Einar Wilhelmsen (MDG) could not answer, but also mayor Marianne Borgen from the city council party SV was impatient. – I hope it comes already tomorrow, said Borgen. Labor with demands The drama around Fornebubanen escalated further on Monday two weeks ago. Then the Oslo Labor Party said no to Fornebubanen unless six demands were met. After the last billion crack, the price of the course is up to 26.4 billion kroner. – Oslo bears too much of the financial responsibility, said City Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor). The fear is that the track will set aside other important public transport projects in the city for many years to come. The Oslo Labor Party wants Viken county to contribute more. In practice, this means that Viken must pay more of the Fornebu line with its share of toll revenues. And the Oslo Labor Party believed that there was more money to be gained from the landowners on both sides of the county border, which now seems to be a reality. REQUIRED: Aps city council leader Raymond Johansen and group leader Andreas Halse. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB Will not meet the requirements now The answer from Viken came three days later in the form of an open letter to Oslo’s city council leader. Here, the neighboring county said it was willing to contribute to the upgrade of Majorstuen station can take place earlier. Majorstuen is the terminus for Fornebubanen. Increasing capacity here is crucial for the metro lines in the east to have more departures when the line to Fornebu opens. But the demand that Viken must take greater responsibility for costs and risk, the tops in the large county will not meet. – It is in practice not possible, given the size and complexity of the project, the letter states. The county councilors Edvin Søvik (Labor Party) and Olav Skinnes (Social Democrats) and the Conservative Party’s group leader Anette Solli have signed. RESPONDED TO REQUIREMENTS: County councilor for transport, Olav Skinnes (Sp), county councilor for finance, Edvin Søvik (Labor Party) and group leader for the Conservative Party, Photo: Fouad Acharki / news New ultimatum from Viken Viken will continue the dialogue on this throughout the autumn. If this is not good enough for Oslo, there will be no Fornebubane. There will also be no toll increase in the autumn, where large parts of the increase will be used to finance the Fornebu line. The day after the letter to the city council leader in Oslo, the recommendation from the county council in Viken came to the county council. Here they say yes to both Fornebubanen, increased toll rates and the Oslo Package 3 settlement where the toll increase has been agreed. According to the recommendation, it is a prerequisite that Oslo City Council does the same. – We do not agree to the supplementary agreement to Oslo Package 3, which entails increased tolls, unless the city council in Oslo decides to continue work on the Fornebu line, said Finance County Councilor Edvin Søvik to NTB.
