19 out of 24 nurses at the OUS department resign in protest – Latest news – news

16 February 2023 at 12:13 19 out of 24 nurses at the OUS department quit in protest According to TV 2, a total of 19 out of 24 intensive care nurses at the thoracic surgery department at Oslo University Hospital, Ullevål, have quit their jobs in protest. The background is supposed to be disagreements related to the announced cutbacks at the hospital. The department has national and regional responsibility for diseases that require surgical treatment in the heart, lungs and central blood vessels. – There is a flurry of redundancies, and what is really dramatic now is that there are only five nurses left to run the department, says enterprise union representative in the Norwegian Nurses’ Association, Rolf-Andre Oxholm, to TV 2. – It weakens trauma preparedness and has consequences for cardiology at the hospital in general. OUS has previously announced that they plan to cut the equivalent of around 500 man-years.
