16-year-old to hospital with stab wounds

The police were notified of the incident at 10.14pm on Friday. – The boy has internal injuries and will be operated on. He was conscious when he was sent to hospital, the police say. Duty lawyer in the Sørvest police district, Åshild Lomeland, tells NTB that they have not received any information from the hospital about how the boy is doing. Nor have they been allowed to speak to him. The police were late on Friday evening at the scene with several patrols. Photo: Heidi Karin Gilje Skog At 1 o’clock on Saturday night, the police announced that a man in his 30s had been arrested and charged with the crime. – It was witness observations that gave us enough information to enable us to find out who this was. He was arrested at home and will be questioned on Saturday, says Lomeland. She says that the background to the violent incident is unknown to the police. They also do not know if the two involved know each other. – Currently, the circumstances here are very unclear. We are investigating widely and hope to know more during the day on Saturday, she says.
