16-year-old boy stabbed in Oslo s – Latest news – news

15 June 2024 at 00:07 16-year-old boy stabbed at Oslo’s Police and ambulance moved to the seaside at Oslo Central Station after a report of a stabbing just before midnight on the night of Saturday. A 16-year-old boy is said to be critically injured. – We moved out with a large number of patrols, and found a person who was critically injured. He has been taken care of by health care and taken to hospital, operations manager Eirik Sannes in the Oslo police district tells news. Shortly afterwards, the police arrest four people not too far from the crime scene. – Based on the leads the police are on, we choose to arrest one, and arrest the other three. These are boys aged 14–16, says Sannes. The arrested person is 16 years old.
