153 endangered dolphins died – Latest news – news

18 October 2023 at 07:19 153 endangered dolphins died Around 10 percent of the population of dolphins in Lake Tefe in Brazil have died within a week, reports AFP. A crisis team has found 153 dead dolphins in the sea in the Amazon. 130 of the dead are Amazon dolphins, while 23 are tucuxi dolphins. Large quantities of fish have also died in the sea. The Amazon is ravaged by drought and heat. The water level at Manaus was measured on Tuesday at its lowest level in 121 years. In Lake Tefe, the temperature rose to 39.1 degrees in the water last week, while the usual maximum temperature is 32 degrees. Amazon dolphins are the world’s largest species of river dolphin and live across large parts of the river network. Both species are already threatened by the construction of dams, oil extraction and mining. This has led to them being classified as threatened by the World Conservation Union (IUCN). This year’s extreme drought in the Amazon is the fourth in 15 years. Scientists say climate change is putting the entire rainforest ecosystem at risk.
