15 employees at the Russian embassy in Oslo are declared undesirable in Norway – Latest news – news

13 April 2023 at 12:01 15 employees at the Russian embassy in Oslo are declared undesirable in Norway, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs writes in a press release. According to the Norwegian authorities, they are intelligence officers. – The 15 intelligence officers are declared undesirable because they have conducted activities that are incompatible with their diplomatic status, says Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt in the message. The 15 alleged intelligence officers, who the Norwegian authorities believe have been under diplomatic cover in Norway, must now leave the country shortly. Their activities have been monitored over time. Norway will not grant visas to intelligence officers who apply for one, writes UD. The government’s decision is based on the fact that the new security policy situation has led to an increased intelligence threat from Russia, the press release states. – I want to emphasize that Norway wants normal diplomatic relations with Russia, and that Russian diplomats are welcome in Norway. What we are doing now is aimed exclusively at unwanted intelligence activities. The Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) is currently referring the matter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is confirmed by senior advisor Eirik Veum to news.
