130 students learn wizarding arts at Hogwarts this summer – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

25 years after JK Rowlings published the first book about Harry Potter, the fantasy hero enchanted children and young people all over the world. Also in Norway. At the wizarding school Galtvort, there is a record participation this year. Here, at a camp school on the mountain in Sør-Fron in Gudbrandsdalen, young people aged 11-30 can live out their Harry Potter fantasies for a whole week. The role play William Fabricius Bekkevold Svingerud (20) is here for the 6th time. The first time he went alone to Hogwarts he was 13. Today he practices magic wand together with Therese Hegstad Hansveen (30) from Øyer. Both have the turn and get the other on the ground just by pointing with the magic wand. It’s going hard. MAGIC ARTS: It goes hard when magic students practice with a magic wand. PHOTO: Inger Johanne Solli / news – It’s as much fun this year as the first gong. To be able to go into a role-play where we are another, and where we ourselves compose our own story, it is so incredibly good. William’s student is usually at home in Oslo. Here he’s Mr. Harvey Knight. Harvey is not entirely different from William himself, but is still a different person. Magic is fun, but this year he likes the subject of witchcraft history the best. Therese is also a veteran. The 30-year-old does not think she is too old to be here. Because here she gets to do her subject night and day for a whole week. – I am a trained drama teacher and work with a master’s. This is incredible fun, here we run impro theater around the clock. It’s magic and mystery and we love to be in the character we choose. Everyone is kind Elevane cages in different houses, just like in the books. William cages on Smygard, who the arch-rival of Harry Potter, Draco Malfang, good luck. Those who have read the books and / or seen the films know that those who live there are not okay. Malfang is jealous of Potter and makes life difficult for him. – We do not take that part with us. No one has to be naughty, says William. – Here the smugglers are rather ambitious and very good. We do our homework and practice a lot to become good wizards. FLINKISAR: No noise in the class at Hogwarts. Everyone pays close attention and diligently notes with a pen what the teacher asks them to notice. Photo: Alexander Nordby / news Practicing and doing homework Inside and out on the large clay ball area, there is witchcraft life. The diligent read at homework or immerse themselves in conversations about the subject. Others receive instruction in the care of magical animals. Others have gym class. They practice on the ball game rumpeldunk. Sitting on the broom glue – right enough with the legs down, they race around with several balls on the same track. It’s going really hard, the coach is shouting and shouting out orders. But everyone seems to understand the rather mysterious and confusing rules. RUMPELDUNK: It’s hard when it’s gym class and Rumpeldunk is played, Galtwort’s own, intricate ball game. Photo: Alexander Nordby / news Respect for the teacher Professor Stikling walks around and makes sure that everything goes well. The students bow or nod deeply when they meet her in the hallway. They have great respect for the teacher. Actually hot urtology professor Line Alexandra Nielsen. She participated in the first “Hogwarts College of Witchcraft and Wizardry” here at Fagerhøy 15 years ago. This year, she and the rest of the 15 tenants will look after 132 students. It is a record, the first year the number of participants was between 40 and 50. The youngest may be away from home alone for the first time. – It’s safe here. Here, everyone can come and be themselves – in the form of playing another. And here everyone can make a friend. Being kind to others is part of the plan. WITH RESPECT: Everyone bows when they meet the teachers. Here represented with Professor Stikling – alias Line Alexandra Nielsen. And Professor Skummel, alias Jonas Topnes Jørgensen. He is a newly qualified kindergarten teacher. But at Hogwarts he is a professor of astrology – and one of the bosses. Photo: Alexander Nordby / news Dumbledore in the shop We actually meet Professor Slur inside a dark room. But we do not meet the hero himself, Harry Potter. Usually no one is allowed to be him, here it is the world of magic itself that matters. But according to Line Alexandra, both Harry Potter, Hermine Grang and Ronnie Wiltersen can be seen this year, sometimes. There are some of the tenants who take on the role. And of course, Rector Humelsnurr is the boss. But he was not to be seen when news visited Hogwarts this time. Dumbledore had traveled to the village to buy more food. – Small and large wizards must also have dinner, says Professor Stikling. GALTVORT ON THE MOUNTAINS: Mysterious things are going on here. Fagerhøy mountain school is well suited to be a Norwegian Hogwarts, where it lies on the mountain on Sør-Fron in Gudbrandsdalen Photo: Alexander Nordby / news
