12 municipalities in Eastern Norway receive compensation from the government after the extreme weather “Hans” – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: The extreme weather in August led to major damage in southern Norway, and many municipalities have been waiting for compensation. Just before Christmas, NOK 704 million was allocated to 22 municipalities and two county municipalities, and today a further 12 municipalities were allocated funds. The total amount of compensation for “Hans” is now close to one billion kroner, which is a historically high compensation. Gran municipality in Innlandet has received the most compensation with NOK 98.7 million, mainly due to damaged municipal roads. There is still money left from the total allocation of NOK 1.7 billion, which the government will assess the use of. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. The extreme weather in August affected large parts of southern Norway and many municipalities have been anxious about how large amounts they will receive in compensation. Just before Christmas, NOK 704 million was allocated to 22 municipalities and two county municipalities. Today it became clear that a further 12 municipalities will receive a total of NOK 268 million. This means that the total compensation amounts after “Hans” are close to one billion kroner. – This is a historically high compensation, says Municipal and District Minister Erling Sande (Sp). – From day one, we have been clear that the government is in league with the municipalities when it comes to covering the costs after this extreme weather. Hadeland hard hit The “record” this time is Gran municipality in Innlandet, which receives NOK 98.7 million. – Municipal roads are simply destroyed, which is the big expense for us, says municipal manager for culture and society, Leif Arne Vesteraas. – In addition, there are all the additional salary expenses in connection with the incident itself. That means overtime and inconvenience allowance. The municipality which this time has received the second most is Nordre Land. There was also extensive damage to roads, water and drains. Nordre Land has applied for NOK 27 million after extreme weather Hans. Gran municipality has applied for NOK 204 million. Nord-Aurdal municipality has applied for NOK 15 million. Ringerike municipality has applied for NOK 41 million. Ål municipality has applied for NOK 25 million. Nesbyen municipality has applied for NOK 27 million. There may be more In November it became clear that the government allocated a total of 1.7 billion to the scheme itself with discretionary funds. This means that there is money left which the Government must assess in more detail the use of. – Applications have been received that are outside the guidelines or are in the gray area. We have to take a little longer to process this, says Sande. – What kind of gray areas can there be? – There should be uncertainty about the damage itself. We also have to consider this against insurance and other elements. – The extreme weather was in August. Why has this taken so long? – It takes time to process incoming applications. There must be proper treatment, and the regulations must be followed. The largest part was paid out before Christmas.
