11-year-old was supposed to shower after hockey practice – suffered second-degree burns – news Trøndelag

It was two days before Christmas that the 11-year-old was supposed to take a shower after ice hockey training in Leangen Ungdomshall in Trondheim. Normally, the anti-scald protection on the showers should ensure that the water does not get hotter than 38 degrees. However, due to a technical error, the water that came out this day was significantly warmer than that. Although the boy was under the beam for only a few seconds, he suffered second-degree burns. The skin first became red and he gradually developed many painful blisters. news has seen pictures of the damage, but the family does not want these to be published. Second-degree burns involve a somewhat deeper layer of the skin. Fluid-filled blisters are seen, the skin is red, moist and painful. The blood supply to the skin is normal, possibly slightly reduced. Most often caused by hot liquids. If the second degree burn is no larger than five to seven cm in diameter, it can be treated as a minor burn. If the burned area is larger, or the burn occurs on the hands, feet, face, groin, crotch or over a larger joint – seek medical help immediately. Source: NHI It was in the shower in the corner that the accident happened. Photo: Morten Andersen / news It was at the bottom of the back that the boy suffered the injuries, and in many ways it was lucky that it went beyond the back and not the eyes and face, says the boy’s father. He does not want to come forward with his name and photo in the case, but would like to tell about what happened. – The most important thing for me is that this does not happen again. If we tell about this incident, perhaps others responsible for such shower facilities will be extra careful in the future, he says. – I think with horror and horror if there had been someone younger, who had not been as quick to move away. All showers closed Leangen Ungdomshall was built in 2009, and is owned by Trondheim municipality. As soon as they learned of the incident, measures were put in place and all the showers are now closed. Photo: Screenshot – It is very regrettable that this happened. Regardless of whether you turn the heat to maximum, the water should not be so hot that you scald yourself, says operations manager at Leangen sports park, Hanne Ulen Arnesen. She says that they have had a full review of the entire shower system. They have discovered several faults in both water heaters, mixing valves and not least the mixing batteries that regulate the heat in the individual showers. Arnesen cannot say for sure how hot the water that came out of the shower was on the day the accident happened, but she does not ignore the fact that it may have been below the temperature that was in the water heater. – We know that it was at a little over 70 degrees. Operations manager at Leangen sports park, Hanne Ulen Arnesen, regrets the incident. – That shouldn’t be possible, she says. Photo: Morten Andersen / news Defective parts are now being replaced and each and every shower is to be inspected with the assistance of the professional responsible for plumbing in Trondheim municipality. – The showers in five changing rooms in the youth hall are closed, and we won’t open anything until we can report everything clean, says Arnesen. – The aim is to get more modern equipment in place, and not least a scalding protection that works. The operations manager also emphasizes that they must review their routines for maintenance and temperature monitoring. Faults were found in, among other things, the mixer taps, which regulate the heat in the shower. Photo: Morten Andersen / news On the ice again The father of the 11-year-old says that the dialogue with the municipality has been good after the family reported the accident. – I feel that they are taking the matter very seriously, and I am happy about that. He can also inform that his son’s burns are healing well. – It’s going well, and luckily he’s back on the ice.
