11-year-old drove for hours alone in a car on Jæren – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– There was nothing striking about his driving, says police officer in the Emergency Police, Jon Kraft. He had a special day at work. Already at half past nine on Thursday morning, the police were made aware that a “very young” driver was driving around Jæren. The observation was made in Klepp municipality. By then, the 11-year-old had already been driving for a while. A little later, the police received a new tip about the young driver. This time the tip was that “the car was driving hesitantly”. – We received a couple of messages about a very young boy behind the wheel. I started patrolling the area, and suddenly I ended up behind him, says Kraft. – Nothing striking about the driving The police officer says that it looked a little strange with such a young boy behind the wheel. Even though he had brought his pillow with him from home to be able to look over the steering wheel of the car. – But there was nothing striking about his driving on the short distance I was behind. Kraft was able to stop the 11-year-old behind the wheel relatively quickly. The arduous journey ended at Nærbø, a little further south than where he was first seen. – He had probably been out for a while then, but he was not on his way home when I stopped him. – How did he react when he was stopped? – He was very upset, and realized that this was not very wise. Borrowed car It turned out that the car was stolen from home. – It is definitely the youngest driver I have stopped. He did not have the physical prerequisites to drive a car, so this is clearly dangerous. It is a miracle that it has gone well, Kraft believes. The police have now opened a case for driving without a valid driver’s license. But it tells Kraft that will be discontinued due to the driver’s age. And if you’re wondering how the 11-year-old got home? Then he got a ride from the police.
