11-year-old boys threatened with a knife and robbed – the police ask for tips – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– We received a phone call from an employee in the swimming pool who said that there were two boys there who were very scared, says operations manager in the South-East police district, Marianne Mørch. The boys were going to the swimming pool to swim, but they were stopped on the way. They were threatened with a knife and robbed for a small amount. – One of the two tried to run from the scene, but was knocked to the ground by one of the perpetrators, says Mørch. Then the boys ran into the swimming pool. They were unsure whether they dared to call the police, and therefore it took 30–40 minutes before the police were notified. Got away The perpetrators are said to be two teenage boys according to the police. They got away, and the police have not made contact with them. – We don’t know who they are, but we are investigating the matter further. The two boys are now taken care of by their parents. – We want tips on telephone 02800 if anyone has seen anything, says the operations manager. The police want tips about the incident that happened on Thursday afternoon. Photo: Philip Hofgaard – Follow up on the children The operations manager has good advice for worried parents. – Follow up on their children. If you let the kids loose in the city alone, keep an eye on them. She understands that it is not always easy to follow up. – I think parents should be a little careful about following along, but understand that it is not always that simple.
